NCNMLG Business Meeting Minutes, August 20, 2014

In-person: Stephen Kiyoi, Peggy Tahir, Michelle Henley, Claire SharifiBy phone: Raquel Abad, Amy Studer, Xan Goodman, Michelle Rachelle, Chezire Aclimandos, Julia Hause, Rachel Stark, Marina Aiello, Deanna Johnson, Ana Macias, Peggy Makie, Mike Liddicoat

Time: 9:30 – 10:30 am

Location: UCSF Library, 530 Parnassus Avenue, Room 201; San Francisco, CA; 94122
Conference Call: 866-740-1260, Access Code: 7343870

Meeting called to order at 9:34 AM by Raquel Abad.

Old Business

1. Minutes from the April 16, 2014 Business Meeting – Amy Studer
Minutes were approved with one correction. (Moved by Xan; Seconded by Rachel)
Action item: Change Debbie Sommers to Debbie Sommer.

2. Leadership Transition – Raquel Abad
Raquel has taken a new position and will need to step down as NCNMLG President. Vice-President Stephen Kiyoi in now President for the remainder of 2014-15 and then for 2015-16. This leaves the Vice-President position open, which we will discuss at today’s Executive Board Meeting. Stephen has someone in mind, but if anyone would like to volunteer, they should speak up.
Action items: Stephen is working on a leadership roster of all the positions, committee chairs and committee members. He will send it out to the membership once it is finalized. Chezire will post it to the website.

3. Treasurer Report – Judith Mills
Judith sent out a Budget Report to members today. See Appendix A.
Judith was not present at this meeting, so the Treasurer’s agenda items were mostly tabled until the Executive Board meeting, including the discussion of digitizing the Treasurer’s documents.
Deanna registered a question about the amounts included on the budget re: PayPal and the Ysabel Bertolucci Professional Excellence Award which were different from the past year’s amounts.

4. Membership Update – Mike Liddicoat
See Appendix B for current membership details.
Summary: 136 members with 93 paid memberships; 22 emeritus members; 43 unpaid. Mike commented that 1/3 of members have not renewed at this point, but typically NCNMLG members are slow to renew.
Stephen asked about follow up for people who have not paid and asked if there is an option as part of the renewal process for people to respond that they do not wish to renew.
According to Raquel, Mike sent out a survey asking why people have not renewed.
Action item: Mike is going to send out a reminder to people who have not paid soon.

5. Professional Development Committee – Claire Sharifi
Claire reported:
• She has had a handful of reponses to her email requesting nominations for Colleague Appreciation Awards
• Professional Development Award applications will be announced and processed a bit early this year to facilitate early applications for Quint meeting attendees.
• Professional Excellence Award will be given out when next Judith can attend a business meeting.

New Business

6. Standing Committees – Raquel Abad
Stephen announced the following updates to committee chair positions:
• Xan Goodman will chair ByLaws, Nominations & Election Committee
• Julia Hause will chair Outreach Committee. We are seeking a California co-chair to help facilitate activities in California, since Julia is located in Nevada.

Stephen reports that he is almost done with finalizing committee chair appointments. Once that is done, chairs will recruit their committee members. Members can also contact Stephen if they want to discuss how to get involved.

Stephen wonders if we need to have a Parliamentarian. Raquel reports that according to the Bylaws, we need to have one.

Action item: We will discuss the need for a Parliamentarian in the Executive Board meeting.

Chezire reports that Sandy Brekke is moving and will not be able to continue as the LinkedIn coordinator.

7. Friends of NLM Support Request – Carmen Huddleston
Carmen was not in attendance so Raquel led the discussion.

NCNMLG received a support request last year from Friends of NLM and we decided not to participate. This year we have received the request again. (See Appendix C: Friends of the NLM Membership form and Gala Sponsorship form)

Stephen proposed that we join FNLM as a “friend” for $100 and then contribute $100 to the Annual Awards Gala this year (September 10th in Washington DC). Deanna explained that she has a problem with supporting a party, such as the Gala, but would be in favor of supporting FNLM. Peggy added that supporting the Gala may be worth considering because it supports the expenses related to the Michael DeBackey Award.
Will vote at the Executive Board Meeting on funding FNLM and/or the Gala.

8. AHIP Introduction WebEx – Ana Macias
Ana would like to offer NCNMLG members an overview of AHIP membership via webinar in November (after the Quint Meeting). Stephen recommends including it as programming with the next Business Meeting.
Action item: Stephen will follow up with Ana.

9. NCNMLG Business Meeting Schedule
Rachel asked about how Business Meetings are scheduled. Raquel and Stephen explained that meetings are held quarterly with dates varying according to programming opportunities.

10. Banking issues
Raquel asked Deanna what the status is of the bank accounts, with respect to who is the principle NCNMLG contact. Deanna reports that Judith and Deanna were named on the account.
Action item: Will be discussed at the Executive Board.

Meeting adjourned by Raquel Abad at 10:12 AM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Amy Studer, Secretary. Draft: September 7, 2014; Final: Approved October 24, 2014.
Appendix A: Treasurer Report
Appendix B: Membership Update
Appendix C: FMLA Sponsorship Request

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