NCNMLG Business Meeting: Nov. 6, 2012

Agenda: Committees Report | Mentoring | Ysabel Bertolucci | Upcoming events

Attendees: Raquel Abad, Chezire Aclimandos, Ruth Amerinick, Rebecca Bayrer, Suzanne Beattie, Jane Blumenthal, Mina Davenport, Michelle Henley, Carmen Huddleston, Liz Lucas, Peggy Makie , Shannon Meaney, Judith Mills, Valerie Molteni, and Claire Sharifi
Attendees on Conference Call: Xan Goodman
Guest Speaker: Jane Blumenthal, MLA President
Format: The meeting was held at Delancey Street Foundation.

1. Minutes from the Oct 1, 2012 Executive Board Meeting discussed – Peggy Makie

Action item:
• Approved as written.
2. The First 120 Days – Judith Mills
In her presentation, Judith gave an account of the chapter’s progress since the Transition Meeting took place in the end of June. She mentioned that five committees were formed: 1. Outreach, 2. Bylaw/Nominating/Election 3. Communication 4. Membership, and 5. Professional Development. Judith highlighted each committee’s contribution to the chapter’s life. At the end of her presentation Judith invited members to join any of the current committees to gain a rewarding and fulfilling professional experience.
3. Jane Blumenthal’s presentation and the meeting were recorded and can be viewed at

4. Communications Committee Report on NCNMLG’s Social Media – Shannon Meaney

The NCNMLG communication committee is using forms of electronic communication to create online communities for sharing information, personal messages and other content. We are trying to diversify the ways we communicate through social media’s Facebook, Linked-in and Twitter.

• Facebook – Our Facebook account was created a few years ago. Shannon took over responsibility for it in July 2012. We started with 23 likes and have grown to 64. We are asking for all members to get involved and post about emerging trends, ideas, articles, events.

• Linked in – Linked-in was created in 2009. Sandee Brekke took it over in late summer and brought the connections from 14 to 64. This is a place where members can have discussions on topics within the field and engage within your professional network.

• Twitter – It instantly connects you to what is important to you. It allows us to post information quickly to members. Shannon started a new account in early October and we already have 11 followers!

-@ a conference
-attend an informative event
-stumble across valuable information
-if you find something interesting to tell the group

Please view the link below for all NCNMLG social media accounts and follow, connect and like us today!

5. Professional Development Committee – Claire Sharifi

• The request for applications for the Professional Development Grant has gone out, and members are encouraged to apply.

• An email requesting nominations for the Ysabel Bertolucci Award for Professional Excellence will be sent out around Thanksgiving time.

6. Membership Committee Report – Raquel Abad
• We currently have 139 active members

New Business

1. Mentoring – Judith Mills

Judith emphasized the need cultivate a mentoring program. So far seventeen members have volunteered to serve as mentors. The chapter needs someone steps up and organize this program.

2. Suggestions for possible MLA’s Endowment to Honor Ysabel Bertolucci – Michelle Henley

• Michelle Henley would like to see that MLA creates an endowment at the National level to honor Ysabel Bertolucci. She needs to gather $20,000 for it. After MLA accepts this idea, Michelle will give NCNMLG an update.

3. Ruth Americk

Ruth reported on the upcoming events in the San Francisco Bay Area and distributed pamphlets.
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Peggy Makie, Secretary 11/4/2012.

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