NCNMLG Executive Board Meeting: April 15, 2013

Agenda: Min. from 3/11/13 Bus. Mtg | Joint Mtg | Treasurer’s Report | Nominating Committee | Communication Committee | Archives | Membership | Continuing Ed | Prof. Dev. Committee | MLA Mtg |

Webex Attendees: Raquel Abad, Chezire Aclimandos, Sandee Brekke, Rebecca Davis, Bijan Esfahani, Xan Goodman, Julia Hause, Carmen Huddleston, Deanna Johnson, Peggy Makie, Judith Mills, Karen O’Grady and Claire Sharifi
Guest: Amy Chatfield

Time: 1:00pm Link to recording (WebEx software available for these meetings through Kaiser Permanente):
Format: WebEx.

1. Minutes from the March 11, 2013 Business Meeting discussed – Peggy Makie

Approved as written.

2. MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting – Amy Chatfield

The MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting 2013 will occur July 24-26, 2013, in La Jolla, California, on the campus of University of California, San Diego.
Meeting website:
Registration Link:

There are 4 CE classes at the Joint Meeting. Each has 4 hours of MLA-approved CE credit, and each costs $75 for members. All CEs take place on July 24th, and we have timed these so you can take two CEs on this day.

Papers and poster proposals from members are being evaluated now. Presenters will be notified prior to May 17th, so they can register using the early registration price.

Early registration is open through May 17th. Reducing costs has been a priority for the planning committee. For members of any MLA chapter, early registration is $175 ($225 for late registration). All housing (in the on-campus apartments) and meals (in the on-campus restaurant) with a shared room are $202.20. So, just $377.20 covers all food, housing and activities from July 24 at 5 PM through July 26th at 4 PM.

If you drive to UCSD, parking is included when on-campus housing is purchased. Otherwise, Prime Time and Cloud 9 provide shuttle service from the San Diego airport to UCSD for about $20 per person. There is also a public bus from the airport to UCSD (one transfer required).

MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meetings are an excellent and fun tradition– I like them so much, I agreed to publicize this one! We expect between 120-150 attendees, meaning it’s a lot smaller than MLA. You can see a speaker at 10 AM, and then run into them at lunch later that day.  It’s the best way to network with colleagues in California, Arizona, and Nevada– not everyone goes to MLA, but with our cost-cutting measures, we hope everyone can join this meeting.

3. Treasurer’s Report: Deanna Johnson
Treasurer’s Report
April 10, 2013

Current checking: $ 1737.87
Current savings: $76562.66
Total: $78,300.53

Deanna completed & faxed to MLA Headquarters our 2012 Federal Form 990 for chapter group tax filing.

Acteva replied to her request on 4/3/13 that three checks were sent to NCNMLG but never cashed for a total of $960.66. In their response they stated that they will send a replacement check for this amount; and will also replace the check for $22. 37 from last September that was returned and will include $12 to cover the bank fee NCNMLG was charged. These replacement checks have not yet been received at this time.

Peggy suggested we require Acteva to send the checks registered mail. Deanna says that would cost us money to require that. Then, Judith requested we be extra vigilant about tracking checks. Deanna says going forward that the plan is to match up renewals with checks.

Carmen asked if we could shut down the Acteva account now. Deanna said it expires in May and we should just let it run out. Chezire pointed out that right now the link on our website for NCNMLG payments is through PayPal. The only way a person might get at the Acteva account is if someone
bookmarked it.

Rebecca Davis asked if the money that was not accounted for represents members who were taken off the list because we thought they hadn’t paid. Deanna has checked payments against member lists so she says there aren’t any problems like that. Judith added that in her past experience as the Membership Committee Chair members would contact her if they had paid and yet were taken off the listserv. This has happened recently.

4. Nominating Committee:

Karen read the list of NCNMLG NEW officers for the 2013-2014 term, explaining that their terms will begin June 2013.

President: Carmen Huddleston
Vice President/President-Elect: Raquel Abad
Past President: Judith Weiner Mills
Secretary: Amy Studer
Bylaws/Election/Nominating Committee Chair: Heidi Mortensen and Members: Suzanne Beattie and Carrie Walsh
Candidate to the MLA Nominating Committee: Stephen Kiyoi
Alternate MLA Chapter Council: Mina Davenport

[Secretary’s additional comments] – Other NCNMLG officers and committee members STAYING ON in their positions will be listed in the minutes covering the Transition meeting in June.
Action Item: Judith will ask the new officers to send biographies and a photo to Chezire for the blog.

5. Communication Committee – Chezire Aclimandos

Membership forms are ready and on the website for people to fill out and send to Raquel. Forms are also ready for people to fill out for Colleague Appreciation and which will go to Claire. Money paid to PayPal goes to the treasurer and the form goes to Claire. The page has been redesigned to give donors two chances to fill the form either before or after paying.
The old website is now redirected to the new website . However, the old website is still accessible through the home page on the new website At the bottom right hand corner there is a link to previous website
Rebecca Davis requested Chezire to save the old newsletters either in archives or on the web.

Discussion about a GoDaddy account ensued next. We got a bill from them and it was automatically paid. Judith says she also has an invoice from them and it has been charged to an American Express card. Deanna says NCNMLG doesn’t own an American Express card. Raquel filled us in on the background. Bruce Abbott has been paying for this account out of his own money. Cherize decided to go onto GoDaddy’s website to see if it was been paid. It looks like $83.88 has been paid. Rebecca Davis asked Cherize if we have a copy of the old website and she said that Chris Stave had sent it to her and she has it on her computer and on a DVD. She could send the DVD wherever it needs to be stored by either snail mail or Dropbox. We are currently paying $360 per year to MLA to host the page and for the blog and a couple of other options. We don’t want to continue to use GoDaddy and will contact to close the account.

Now that we know it has been renewed, I would like to know about material to add to the site by the end of September 2013. Cherize would like each committee to review any material on the old website, related to their function and activities, that they would want to migrate to the new site. Also, if any member feels strongly about any pages of material they would like transferred she’d be willing to discuss that.

Action Item: [Secretary-Sorry I cannot hear the conversation.] Deanna will contact Bruce about the automatic payment.

6. Archives – Polina Ilieva did not attend the meeting.

7. Membership – Raquel Abad

Current membership total is 148. PayPal is up and running. Mike Liddicoat has agreed to be the new 2014 Membership Committee Chair. Raquel has gotten feedback from 9 members about the proposed membership dues increase. Four people said yes, five people said no; three of those people suggested only raising it to $30. We will have the members vote on an increase (new dues amount would be $35) at our next business meeting in May. An increase in dues will take effect in 2014. Raquel will post the comments on the blog.

Regarding the new membership drive, new memberships or renewals be paid for before June 1st, but there’s a grace period through July 1st. To encourage renewals before June 1st, Raquel suggested we do a gift card drawing. People who renew prior to June 1st get their names put into a hat. The drawing would take place in the second week of June. The named person gets a $50 gift card. Raquel made a motion for the drawing and it passed.

Action Item:
Raquel will send out an email announcing the opening of membership renewal and opportunity to win the gift card.

8. Continuing Education – Judith Mills

For members’ requests Judith contacted the NLM to see if our chapter could have the “TOXYNET and Beyond” course presentation and they agreed. Claire will host the class this summer. NLM will get approval from MLA so the participants would obtain CE credits for attending the class.

9. Professional Development Committee – Claire Sharifi

We have two recognitions for the Colleague Appreciation Program, and either $35 or $40 submitted in honor of the people.

The Committee will discuss next steps for creating the Mentoring Program.

Marcus Banks has been nominated for the Ysabel Bertolucci Professional Award for Professional Excellence. Claire made a motion for the Board to accept his nomination and it passed.

Claire reported receiving a number of applicants for the Professional Development grants and the deadline is tonight (4/15/13). They’ll announce the winners next week.

Action item:

Claire will send the names of the appreciated colleagues to Cherize for her to publish I the Newsletter. She’ll also send letters to the recipients to let them know they’ve been “appreciated.”

Claire will make an announcement of Marcus’ award and present him with a plaque at the NCNMLG/MLGSCA Joint Meeting in July or at another business meeting.

Rebecca will get Marcus’ award presentation on the Joint Meeting agenda when she goes to their business meeting in June.

Claire will email the Executive Board to alert them about who won the Professional Development grants so the Board can approve them.

10. MLA Annual Meeting – Rebecca Davis

Rebecca made a motion for the Chapter to donate money ($100) for 2 lunches for new MLA attendees also going to the sharing Round Tables. Motion passed.

Judith reported that Mina Davenport, our new Chapter Council Alternate can’t go to the Saturday MLA Chapter Cabinet Meeting on May 4th as she has a prior commitment. Rebecca or Judith may attend the CCM on May 4, 2013 in Boston.

Action item: The donation form needs to be filled out in a Chapter Officer’s name. Judith’s name will be used as the officer and the invoice will be paid by Deanna.

Meeting adjourned at 2:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Peggy Makie, Secretary
Revised by Amy Studer, Secretary, on July 2, 2013 based on corrections discussed at the NCNMLG Executive Board Transition Meeting, June 24, 2013.

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