NCNMLG Executive Board Meeting Minutes: May 9, 2014

Agenda: September 30, 2013 Meeting Minutes  |   Professional Development Committee  |  NCNMLG Letterhead  |  AHIP Subsidy  |  Joint Conference Chairs  |  Transition Meeting  |  Chapter Poster

By phone: Raquel Abad, Chezire Aclimandos, Mina Davenport, Xan Goodman, Julia Hause, Carmen Huddleston, Deanna Johnson, Ana Macias, Amy Studer, Peggy Tahir
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Location: Conference Call: 866-740-1260; Access Code: 7343870#
Meeting called to order at 10:06 AM by Carmen Huddleston.

Old Business

1. Minutes from the February 7, 2014 Executive Board Meeting – Amy Studer

Minutes were approved without corrections. (Moved by Raquel Abad; Seconded by Julia Hause)

2. Professional Development Committee – Claire Sharifi

Claire unable to attend the meeting, so Carmen led the discussion.
• Group discussed the possibility of moving the submission deadline of Fall 2014 Professional Development Award to October so that people can apply for QUINT Meeting. This would apply for this year only. Currently it is due in November. There is also a spring due date: April 15th. The group agreed that making the fall submission date is a good idea for this year. Vote postponed until next meeting.
• Ysabel Bertolucci Award application — item on hold until next meeting
• MLA Chapter CE coordinating meeting – Raquel led the discussion
Anyone able to attend this meeting at MLA? Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8-8:55AM Chapter Continuing Education Chairs Meeting. Xan volunteered to go.

Action items: Revisit the first two topics with a vote at next meeting.  Xan will attend Chapter Continuing Education Chairs Meeting at MLA.

New Business

3. NCNMLG Letterhead – Amy Studer
NCNMLG printed high quality letterhead and envelopes about a decade ago and we still have a lot of remaining stock. However, the address is now outdated and the design is not amenable to modifying the address in a way that looks nice. The group discussed that we rarely use the printed letterhead. The Executive Board agreed unanimously that, rather than print new letterhead, we should move to electronic letterhead to reduce cost and eliminate the need to ship the stationary with new board transitions. The group agreed to recycle the existing letterhead and envelopes and move to an electronic version. Deanna suggested placing blank letterhead on the member’s only page of the website.

Action item:  Chezire will modify the banner from the website to create new electronic letterhead and she will create return address labels. The electronic stationary will be stored in the member’s only section of the NCNMLG website.

4. AHIP Subsidy – Ana Macias / Raquel Abad
Ana reported that the Upstate New York and Ontario Chapter of MLA has begun offering support for a first time AHIP applicants and she is wondering if NCNMLG would be interested to doing something similar. NCNMLG could set its own eligibility criteria.

The Upstate New York and Ontario Chapter of MLA has the following criteria:
• MLA member
• Chapter member
• First time applicant at the “member” level or above
• Chapter reimburses 50% of cost for a successful applicant ($97.50)

Carmen recommended that we consider placing a requirement of NCNMLG membership for a minimum period of time (2-3 years). Deanna reports that we have funds, but not unlimited funds because we are spending more than we take in. She wonders about adding more member benefits that cost money in terms of the long-term outlook. Ana recommends subsidizing at least one member per year.  Xan and Mina wonder if AHIP applicants can apply the professional development award money to AHIP fees.  Amy encouraged the chapter look at supporting AHIP applicants through mentorship. Ana noted that service at the local chapter level is also a requirement for AHIP.

Action item Discuss with Claire Sharifi if offering in Professional Development Grant would be appropriate. Vote next meeting.

5. Joint Conference Chairs – Carmen Huddleston

Carmen announced the Chair and Co-Chairs of the 2016 Joint Meeting of NCNMLG/MLGSCA:
• Chair: Chezire Aclimandos
• Co-Chair: Shannon Meaney
• Co-Chair: Claire Sharifi
Carmen asked the Executive Board to vote to approve the Chairs and Co-Chairs for the 2016 Joint Meeting. There was unanimous approval from the Executive Board.
Carmen also noted that according to the NCNMLG Bylaws, the Vice President of NCNMLG also a co-chair.

6. Thanks Extended: Chapter Poster and El Camino Hospital Outreach Event – Carmen Huddleston
Carmen thanked the members who participated in creating the poster in time for the El Camino Hospital Outreach Event and will be displayed at MLA.
Carmen thanked Xan and the Outreach Committee for their amazing work in putting on the El Camino Hospital Outreach Event.

7. Transition Meeting – Carmen Huddleston
The group discussed scheduling the transition meeting and decided to aim for an early June meeting. The group decided to have the in-person meeting in Davis at UC Davis, aiming for a 10AM to noon time frame.

Action item:  Raquel will send out a Doodle Poll to confirm availability.

Meeting adjourned by Carmen Huddleston at 10:51 AM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Amy Studer, Secretary. Draft: May 26, 2014. Final: June 5, 2014

Spring 2014 EB Agenda




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