Agenda: May 9, 2014 Meeting Minutes | Transition of Exec Board and Committees | Joint Meeting | Professional Development Committee | Membership Committee | MLA News | 2014-2015 President
In-person: Raquel Abad, Carmen Huddleston, Chezire Aclimandos, Mike Liddicoat, Deanna Johnson, Stephen Kiyoi.
By phone: Amy Studer, Shannon Meaney, Claire Sharifi, Rebecca Bayer, Judith Mills, Mina Davenport, Xan Goodman, Sandy Brekke.Time: 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Shields Library; University of California Davis; 2nd Floor Library Instruction Room; Davis, CA; 95616
Meeting called to order at 12:06PM by Carmen Huddleston.
Old Business
1. Minutes from the May 9, 2014 Executive Board Meeting – Amy Studer
Minutes were approved without corrections. (Moved by Judith; Seconded by Chezire)
2. Transition of Executive Board and Committees – Carmen Huddleston
Carmen thanked all who have served on the NCNMLG Executive Board and volunteered to serve the Chapter this past year.
Judith thanked Carmen for her service and asked Carmen to make a statement about how the NCNMLG Chapter is doing financially compared to last year. Last year, we ended with $79,000 and this year ends with $76,000, thus a decrease of approximately $3,000. Judith noted that it is a tradition for outgoing Presidents to comment on this at the transition meeting. (See Appendix A)
Carmen transferred responsibilities of the NCNMLG Presidency and the gavel to Raquel Abad at 12:14PM.
New Business
3. Joint Meeting Update – Chezire Aclimandos, Claire Sharifi, Shannon Meaney
The committee chairs provided an update to the board on selection of location and dates for the Joint Meeting.
These locations in the East Bay were considered:
- San Jose Hayes Mansion: Great location, but isolated and expensive.
- San Jose Public Library: No area for exhibitors or plenary session
- Tech Museum: Facility not able to accommodate all space requirements; would need to rent space in three other nearby facilities.
- JCC Palo Alto: Isolated, has parking problems, would require busing around, no IT and the facility is not available on Saturdays or Sundays.
- Berg Hall at Stanford, LKFC: meets room requirements; parking included; opportunity for housing accommodations at Slack guesthouse. Rooms are less expensive if catering is provided by Stanford. Shuttles to airports and train. Location and price are excellent. Heidi Heidelman has offered to get support from her supervisor at Stanford. Chezire is anticipating that the conference expenses should not exceed $250 / person at Stanford. Attendees would have a choice of a several of hotels.
For each location, the committee evaluated space considerations, including breakout rooms, plenary session, poster rooms, party room, exhibit hall; availability of housing, parking, IT, wifi, catering, transportation, possibility of tours; and, price. In general: For cheap hotel rates need to start conference on Thursday.
Therefore, the conference will start on January 21, 2016. The committee recommended the Stanford location because it is most affordable and has the best overall set-up by far.
Deanna moved that we accept the committee’s recommendation that the joint meeting be held at Stanford (Mike seconded the motion). The motion was unanimously approved.
4. Professional Development – Claire Sharifi
Claire recommends moving the date of the Fall 2014 Professional Development Award this year so that it can be used for the Quint Meeting. Specifically, she suggests that requests for applications will go out Sept 1st and the application deadline will be September 15th (rather than November).
Chezire moved that we give the Professional Development Committee Chair the power to alter the dates of the Professional Development Awards based on what is happening on any given year. Carmen seconded the motion. The Executive Board voted and it passed unanimously.
Next discussed was the possibility of using Professional Development Awards for the AHIP application fee. Claire recommends encouraging people to apply for Professional Development Awards to support their AHIP status. It was decided that no vote was required.
Claire announced that Judith Mills was nominated by Carmen Huddleston for the Isabel Bertolucci Award for Professional Excellence.
5. Membership Committee – Mike Liddicoat
Members were reminded to renew NCNMLG membership, and of the increase in annual dues to $35, by listserv and blog reminders in May.
Carmen recommended checking current membership list with list from 3 years ago to see if anyone has been inadvertently dropped from NCNMLG communications. Chezire also recommends that the membership announcement should be sent out via the RML and CAPHIS listservs.
Mike reports that 10 people have renewed for 2014-15 so far.
Action item: Mike will send out the dues payment reminder via RML and CAPHIS listservs.
6. MLA News – Raquel Abad
Julia Hause, Editor of the Chapter section of MLA News, has placed a call for a short article, due June 18th. Raquel wonders if anyone is interested in contributing or developing an article. As the due date is soon, the group agreed that this is something can we can work on in the future.
7. 2014-2015 President – Raquel Abad
Goals for next year:
• MLA News (see item #6);
• Hosting more CE classes with remote access;
• Update ByLaws;
• Develop Policies and Procedures Manual; and,
• MLA has Rising Stars program.
The Rising Stars program pairs someone newish to the profession with someone more established. Every year, MLA issues a call seeking hosts and/or applicants. We could develop a project for the applicant to do, such as work on the archives. Stephen suggested that eScience might be a good theme for a Rising Starts project. Perhaps two chapters could collaborate to host.
Action item: Raquel will gather information on the Rising Stars program.
Raquel recommends that we form an ad hoc committee to revise the Policies and Procedures Manual in a systematic fashion. Carmen will be the chair of the ad hoc committee to update the Policies and Procedures Manual. The committee will include Committee Chairs, President, Vice-President, Past-President, and Treasurer. Carmen reports that we will need to compare the various documents, including the ByLaws and Policies and Procedures Manual.
Action item: Carmen will send out the current Policies and Procedures Manual to the Executive Board.
Xan asked when committee appointments will be announced.
Action item: Raquel will discuss with Carmen and report back to the group.
Meeting adjourned by Raquel Abad at 1:23PM. (Carmen moved; Chezire seconded.)
Minutes respectfully submitted by Amy Studer, Secretary. Draft: August 17, 2014. Final: September 7, 2014
Appendix A: NCNMLG 2013/14 Budget with Income/Expenses, as of June 4, 2014: NCNMLG 2013_14 IncExp 20140604