As we gear-up, re-vamp and revitalize our chapter, there are many opportunities available to those of you who have been looking for a way to connect with colleagues while engaged in a rewarding activity. Our committee structure has been reconfigured to have 5 large committees instead of lots of small ones. This new structure spreads the work among a larger group and provides a way to connect with colleagues. Read on to see a description of the committees, who is currently on the committee, and how many more people are needed. Please decide on which committee strikes your fancy and get back to me ( this WEDNESDAY. I’m happy to answer any questions. Thanks! p.s. Don’t forget our business meeting on March 5th. More on that later.
NCNMLG Standing Committee Descriptions
The most recent (July 2011) revision of our bylaws was largely undertaken to reconfigure the many standing committees into 5 committees. Our Policy and Procedure Manual still needs to be revised to reflect the changes; but for now we are working from descriptions below.
1. Outreach Committee:
This committee is responsible for the external outreach and interface with other groups. This includes public relations; external mentoring and interaction with local library/information schools; government relations; and interaction with PSRML. Members would include a committee chair, the PSRML Representative, the MLA Chapter Council Representative and Alternate; and 2-3 other members.
Currently on this committee:
Elizabeth Lucas – Chapter Council Rep.
Julia Hause – Chapter Council Rep Alternate
PSRML Representative – Peggy Tahir, is that you?
2 Members:
2. Communications Committee:
This committee is responsible for all group communication, including the newsletter; the website, blog, wiki and discussion list; and archives. Members would include a committee chair; the MLA Benchmarking Liaison; the Archivist, a technical consultant; and 4 more members.
Currently on this committee:
Joy Graham – in charge of the blog
Lynn Van Houten – MLA Benchmarking Liaison
Michelle Henley, Terry Henner, Sara Pimental, Chris Stave – web taskforce.
An Archivist – typically someone from UCSF where our archives are kept – anyone willing?
1 Member:
3. Professional Development Committee:
This committee is responsible for programs and continuing education classes; assistance with AHIP credentialing; the support of research by members; NCNMLG Award for Professional Excellence; and the Professional Development Grant. Members would include the committee chair and 3 other members.
Currently on this committee:
Anne Shew – AHIP Credentialing Liaison – (still willing to do this?)
Jacqueline Wilson – still willing?
Mary Buttner – still willing?
1-3 Members:
4. Membership Services Committee:
This committee is responsible for the recruitment and retention of members and member benefits, including the payment of dues; maintenance of a current membership database; conferring of honorary and emeritus membership; consortial resource agreements for members; the Colleague Appreciation Program; and internal mentoring. Members would include the chair and 5 members.
Currently on this committee:
Judith Mills is the current membership chair, but has also been appointed as the President-Elect for the chapter.
4 Members:
5. Bylaws/Nominating/Election Committee:
Responsible for ensuring that any changes to the chapter bylaws are made in accordance with the procedures outlined in the bylaws, and that any changes are in compliance with the MLA bylaws. The committee would also be responsible for nominations and elections. Members would include 2 elected members (the one with the highest number of votes would be the chair); the Parliamentarian, and an additional member appointed by the Executive Board.
Currently on this committee:
Xan Goodman – Chair
Karen O’Grady – Member
2 Members:
Ad Hoc Committees:
The Joint Meeting Committee is an ad hoc committee with the chair/s appointed by the Executive Committee, and with the Vice-President/President-Elect as one of the chairs.
Other ad hoc committees/taskforces will be appointed by the executive board as needed.