Agenda: Minutes from Aug. 1, 2012 Mtg | EBM Workshop | Bus. Mtg Nov. 6,2012 | Prof Dev Scholarship | Endownment Task Force | Treasurer’s Report | Committees Report | Mtg Format Changes | New Bus. | Misc.
Attendees on Conference Call:
Xan Goodman, Chezire Aclimandos, Rebecca Davis, Mike Liddocoat, Judith Mills, Liz Lucas, Deanna Johnson, Raquel Abad, Claire Sharifi, Anne Shew, Carmen Huddleston, Rebecca Bayrer, Sandra Brekke, Alexander Lyubechansky, Ileva Polina and Peggy Makie
Guest: Alan Carr
Time: 2 p.m. to 4:10 p.m.
Format: The meeting was conducted via phone.
1.Minutes from the August 1, 2012 Executive Board Meeting – Peggy Makie
Action item:
- Approved as written.
2. EBM Workshop – Alan Carr on behalf of Peggy Tahir
Alan Carr, Outreach Coordinator at NN/LM PSR, filled in for Peggy Tahir. Alan described the upcoming Evidence-based medicine workshop with speaker Connie Schardt on November 30th at UCSF. It is free to NCNMLG members as NN//LM is hosting it. Lunch is included. The registration for the event is nearly full; only 2 seats remain open.
3. Business Meeting, November 6, 2012 — Judith Mills and Carmen Huddleston
Judith and Carmen described two possible meeting locations. One was the Mechanics Institute Library and the other one was the Delancey Street Foundation’ Screening Room.
After much discussion Delancey Foundation’s Screening Room was selected do to superior services provided (see below). Jane Blumenthal, MLA President will be the guest of the meeting. NCNMLG will cover the costs. Cost and Equipment Breakdown:
Item | Delancey Street Foundation |
Seating Capacity | 50 |
Cost | Room: $150/hr Min. 2 hrs reservation.After the first 2 hrs 30 min. incremental billing of $75 |
Refreshments provided | Yes – Tea, coffee, bottled waterSeasonal fruit and cookies.Refreshments are additional cost approx. $5/person + bottled water.
Staff sets up refreshment needs.
Space provided for refreshments/socializing | Yes – Place to socialize and have some light refreshments in the lobby |
Technology services | Included in fee. Vendor sets up all communication equipment for the meeting.Equipment/Technology available:
There is easy access to it by public transportation, such as BART and Muni. A parking lot and on street hourly parking are conveniently located near the venue. Proposed meeting schedule is:
9:30 – 10:30 Business Meeting
10:30 – 11:00 Networking, Refreshments
11:00 – 11:30 Speaker: Jane Blumenthal
11:30 – 12:00 Q & A
12:00 Closing
Action items:
- Deanna will send Judith a $150 check made out to Delancey Street Foundation for a deposit.
- Judith will sign the contract with the organization.
- Carmen will create Survey Monkey questionnaire to this meeting.
- All NCNMLG communication platforms will advertise this meeting and provide the Survey Monkey link for RSVP.
4. Professional Development Scholarship – Judith Mills
After the recent passing of Ysabel Bertolucci, one of NCNMLG’s valued professional contributors, the Board discussed the best way to honor her. From the several excellent suggestions of the Exec. Board and our members, two suggestions were discussed. One of them was to change the name of the Professional Excellence award to the Ysabel Bertolocci Award for Excellence and the second recommendation was to create a mentoring program.
Judith reported that Wendy Bahnsen, Executive Director of Library Services for Rittenhous Book Distributors, and a friend of Ysabel, expressed an interest in contributing $500 toward the Excellence Award. Discussion followed regarding whether the individual award should be increased from $200 to $250. At the end of the discussion the Board decided to keep the current amount of $200.
Action item:
- Claire Sharifi will send a call for applications to the members after Raquel Abad sends the new directory.
5. Endowment Task Force – Judith Mills
Tabled until the next meeting.
6. Treasurer’s Report – Deanna Johnson
Deanna reported that the current balance of the treasury is: $76,006.03 She voiced a concern about the amount of money NCNMLG is spending relative to its income.
Action Items:
- Deanna will provide a detailed budget before the next meeting and send it to the Exec. Board members and Committees.
- All Committees and Exec. Board members will provide their budget requirements to Deanna before the next meeting. This data will be used for the chapter’s budge planning for 2012/2013 during the next Exec. Board Meeting.
7. Communications Committee Report – Chezire Aclimandos
Chezire outlined elements of the new/updated NCNMLG website and she previously emailed the Executive Board members a Jing presentation ( She asked if meeting minutes should go on the blog or the website. She also asked if members in charge of any of the old web pages would send her updated information for the new website. She reminded all of us to post comments on the NCNMLG Blog, Facebook, Twitter and Linked-in accounts to keep them fresh and interesting.
Action Item:
- Chezire will put the NCNMLG meeting minutes on the blog with a link to it on the website.
8. Outreach Committee Report – Xan Goodman
Xan discussed several outreach projects that the Committee has been involved in: In August she volunteered to speak and hand out information about at a “Lifelong Dreams” open house. In October and November she arranged for 3 librarians to present virtually in Charlie Greenberg’s SJSU class, and she arranged for librarians to volunteer to be interviewed by students in Charlie Greenberg’s SJSU class on November 6. For Feb 2013 she arranged to have two librarians as virtual speakers for The SJSU Spring Career Colloquium.
9. Membership Committee Report – Raquel Abad
Raquel reported we have 121 paid members as of today, 33 honorary members and 92 people in arrears.
Total membership fee collected by October 1: $650.
10. Archives – Ilena Polina
Tabled until the next meeting.
11. Meeting Format Changes – Peggy Makie
Peggy suggested using Webex for meetings. The best value is buying the Premium 25 which costs $49/month ( ). We will continue the discussion at our next meeting.
New Business
Alexander Lyubechansky will join NCNMLG. He expressed interest in serving in the Bylaws/Nominating/Election Committee.
Rebecca Davis announced that the Quad Meeting (2014 — Quad Chapter (MLGSCA, NCNMLG, South Central, and Midcontinental) Meeting scheduled for 2014 in Denver, Colorado is now a Quint Chapter Meeting as Pacific South West Chapter will participate.
Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Peggy Makie, Secretary 10/1/2012.