NCNMLG Business Meeting: Feb. 19, 2013

Agenda: Minutes from Dec. 11 Exec. Board Mtg |Treasurer’s Report | Increasing Chapter Revenue | Professional Development | Membership | Outreach | EBSCO New Products | Misc | Announcements

Attendees: Raquel Abad, Chezire Aclimandos, Carmen Huddleston, Peggy Makie, Judith Mills, , Karen O’Grady, Claire Sharifi, and Stephen Kiyoki

Attendees on Conference Call:  Nancy Crossfield, Rebecca Davis, Xan Goodman, Julia Hause, Michelle Henley, Deanna Johnson, Kristine Macalalad, Beverly McLeod, and Cindy Perkins

Time: 1:05pm Link to recording (WebEx software available for these meetings through Kaiser Permanente):

Format: The meeting was held at Kaiser Permanente, Oakland (1800 Harrison St.).

1.  Minutes from the December 11, 2012 Executive Board Meeting discussed – Peggy Makie

Action item:

 Approved with the following addendum:  Quad Meeting should be referred to as Quint Meeting now.  It goes from October 12th to October 15th 2014.

2.  Treasurer’s Report – Deanna Johnson

Deanna presented a budget, and reflecting a yearly budget of $8254.  Rebecca made a motion to take out the $1100 expenditure on Business meetings this year and go toward a cost recovery model (meaning that NCNMLG could pay for such things as lunch at one of our meetings but members would need to reimburse us).

 Action item:

 Deanna will take the $1100 expenditure for business meetings out of this year’s budget.

3.  Increasing Chapter Revenue – Judith Weiner-Mills

Based on the treasurer’s report the chapter’s treasury is in a deficit. To move towards a balanced budget, Judith suggested increasing the chapter’s revenue or reducing spending. One possible action to increase the revenue is to raise the membership fees from $25 to $30. The rational is: 1. Membership dues haven’t been increased for several years. 2. MLA membership is not a requirement for becoming an NCNMLG member; therefore it is already a cost savings. 3. There is no fee for students or unemployed members.

4. Most of the MLA chapters’ annual dues are $30 or above.   Raquel added that in order to keep up with our expenditures and plan for the future we should increase the membership dues to $35.  Rebecca informed us that NCNMLG must give notice to members of the increase before the Executive Board can approve the increase. Xan Goodman made a motion supporting the increase with $10, thus charging $35. After some discussion the members approved it. Notice on the increase will be given a few weeks before the next business meeting and then the Executive Board can vote for the increase to make it official.  Chezire suggested pro-rating dues. Her proposal may be revisited at a later date.  Judith also tabled talking about fundraising until a future meeting.

Action item:

Announce the motion to increase dues to $35 a few weeks before the next business meeting.

4.  Professional Development – Claire Sharifi

 Claire announced the two winners of the professional development awards, Beverly McLeod and Hella Bluhm-Stieber. Deanna reported having paid out $300 in award money to Beverly, and has not gotten the paperwork for Hella’s award yet.  Claire informed us that Hella will ask for the money after she attends the Joint Meeting later this year.  Requests for grant applications for April will be coming up soon.  In another matter, Rebecca suggested that we rename the professional development awards to the Locke Morrisey Professional Development awards and not have a separate award in his name.  Deanna reminded everyone that Marcus Banks was instrumental in setting up the Locke Morrisey award and that he should be consulted before we make any changes.  Claire also described revival of the Colleague Appreciation Program where members can make donations (minimum amount is $10) to the Chapter and honor someone at the same time.  The honoree would have a letter and a certificate sent to them and their name would be posted in a prominent place at the Joint Meeting as well as on our blog.  A link to Paypal coming soon will make it easier for members to “appreciate” each other.  Mentoring is yet

another  program starting up soon.  Claire will be in conversation shortly with a person who heads up MLGSCA’s mentoring program.

Action Item:

Rebecca will contact Marcus to discuss possible Locke Morrisey award changes.

5.  Membership – Raquel Abad

Raquel reported we have five new members.  Discussion ensued with regard to our total number of members.  Students and retirees do not pay dues.  Chezire requested Raquel to update the online NCNMLG Directory as we get new members or as membership changes.  In another matter, Raquel let us know that the Paypal account is not set up yet as our tax exempt status had to be researched.  Also, the Survey Monkey (Select Plan version) is ready for use by members and Raquel will send out the username and password for member access. Raquel alerted us about our new gmail account which she believes would be best used by the incoming Membership Chair.  Chezire then reported we have 3 ema

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