Minutes from Nov. 6, 2012 business meeting | Announcements | Treasurer’s Report | Quad Meeting MOU | 2013 Exec. Board & Bus. Meetings | Professional Development Committee | RML Rep Access to NCNMLG Listserv | Financial Planning and MLA’s Fundraising Letter | Archives | Mentoring | Misc.
Webex Attendees: Raquel Abad, Chezire Aclimandos, Rebecca Bayrer, Sandee Brekke, Bijan Esfahani, Xan Goodman, Julia Hause, Carmen Huddleston, Deanna Johnson, Mike Liddicoat, Alexander Lyubechansky, Liz Lucas, Peggy Makie , Shannon Meaney, Judith Mills, Clair Sharifi, Peggy Tahir, Karen O’Grady and Rebecca Davis
Time:10:30am Link to recording (WebEx software available for these meetings through Kaiser Permanente):
Format: The meeting was held at Stanford University.
1. Minutes from the November 6, 2012 Business Meeting discussed – Peggy Makie
Action item:
- Approved as written.
2. Announcements:
Shannon is leaving Stanford and taking a position at San Jose Public Library. She will continue with her service position.
Rebecca Davis mentioned that the UC Davis library field trainer job is still open so the school will work with a Temp Agency to try to fill it.
3. Treasurer’s Report:
Deanna presented a budget, and after discussion revised it to reflect a yearly budget of $8500 and that we should include the Locke Morrisey Scholarship and our checking and saving account balances.
The Board members have also approved $1100.00 for the remaining 3 business meetings of this fiscal year (2012/2013) to cover speaker and other meeting expenses.
A discussion about the financial instability of Acteva led to the Executive Board deciding to close the account and use PayPal instead. PayPal costs $60/yr. Transaction fee of 2.9% + .30 cents for ea. transaction.
Action Items:
- Deanna needs to send Jan-Dec 2012 budget report to MLA.
- We will let the Acteva account expire in May. Raquel will open a PayPal account in January and notify membership once it is available for use.
- Chezire will embed PayPal (when the account is ready) on the NCNMLG website.
4. Quad Meeting MOU (memorandum of understanding) – Rebecca Davis
The Meeting will be held at the Marriott Hotel in Denver. It goes from October 12th to October 15th 2013. Cost is $129 (single or double room). They are expecting 450 attendees. We need to sign an MOU by December 31st. Once we sign it we are liable for hotel and conference expenses. Our involvement will mean contributing $2000 in seed money and participation in committees- 1 NCNMLG member on the Steering Committee and also on every other Quad Meeting committee. Rebecca and Raquel offered to be on the Steering Committee and represent NCNMLG. Most of the committee meetings will be online.
5. 2013 Exec Board and Business Meetings – Carmen Huddleston
Carmen has raised the question regarding the number of business meetings and Executive Board meetings that the chapter plans to have this year.
The chapter is required to have a minimum of 3 business meetings (not Executive Board) and those will be held at free venues in different locations: Kaiser Oakland (February meeting), Stanford, and Sacramento area were discussed. At this time no specific area determined.
The Executive Board voted to have the future Executive Board meetings as webinars.
Action Item:
- Karen will investigate using Kaiser Permanente’s Oakland facilities for the next business meeting.
6. Professional Development Committee – Claire Sharifi
The Professional Development grant winners will be announced within a week. Winners get reimbursed for $300. Some questions came up about the awards: Can the money be used for travel or for lodging or just for conferences or classes? After some discussion, the Executive Board members approved the use of the grant money for travel expenses connected to the conference visit.
Ysabel Bertolucci Award for Professional Excellence will be presented in February if there are any nominations. The Professional Development Committee will make a request for applicants in the spring. The Executive Board decided that retired professionals aren’t eligible for this award.
The request for applications for the Professional Development Grant has gone out, and members are encouraged to apply.
7. RML representatives access to NCNMLG listserv – Raquel Abad and Carmen Huddleston
Board members discussed allowing nonmembers to post to NCNMLG listserv which would mean needing to monitor it. The solution around monitoring it is to have the listserv Chapter member, Chris Stave get the email request to post and screen it.
Earlier this year Raquel had deleted nonpaid members from the listserv. The Board decided to allow PSRML leaders (Alan Carr and Kay Deeney) to remain on the listserv.
8. Financial Planning and MLA’s Fundraising Letter – Judith Mills
Judith presented MLA’s annual fundraising letter in which the association asked every chapter to consider donating to MLA’s 2013 funds. These financial contributions are used to give out scholarships, create educational events other activities. Following a short discussion, the Exec. Board decided against donating to MLA at this time.
Judith addressed the need to do financial planning and to consider implementing fundraising activities in order to increase the chapter’s revenue. Some of these activities could include working in co-operation with vendors, selling our chapter’s logo-embedded items at the Joint Committee meeting or starting a colleague appreciation donation in someone’s name.
Xan suggested a new approach to raise money: We could hold a 50-50 raffle at the July 24-27 Joint Meeting where half the money raised in the raffle would go to our Chapter and the other half to the winner of the raffle.
9. Archives – Polina Ilieva
Tabled until the next meeting
10. Mentoring – Judith Mills
Mentoring is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your community. Judith talked about the benefits of establishing a mentoring program in our chapter. One such advantage for the potential mentors is the possibility to earn credit towards the AHIP certification. So far seventeen chapter members are interested in mentoring. Mentees can get professional coaching and support at no additional cost. The Professional Development Committee will be in charge of mentoring so all interested parties should contact them.
11. Miscellaneous
Future Educational Event with CE Credits – Judith Mills
Lauren Maggio will be presenting the NN/LM PSR-sponsored training class entitled, “Supporting Open Access” on Jan 25, 10:00-3:00pm. Participants can earn 5 CME credits by attending this seminar at Stanford. There is still room for 35 members to register.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Peggy Makie, Secretary 2/12/2013.
Quad Meeting should be referred to as Quint Meeting now. It goes from October 12th to October 15th 2014.