NCNMLG Business Meeting Minutes: September 30, 2013

AgendaMinutes from July 25, 2013 Business Meeting | Professional Development Committee |  Membership Committee |  Outreach Committee | Treasurer’s Report |    Internet Library Conference |  NCNMLG / MLGSCA Joint Meeting in Winter (Jan-Feb) 2016  |  NCNMLG Programs for 2013-14  |  Ysabel Bertolucci Professional Excellence Award  | 


In-person:  Raquel Abad, Chezire Aclimandos, Marcus Banks, Suzanne Beattie, Carmen Huddleston, Stephen Kiyoi, Amy Studer

By phone:  Rebecca Davis, Julia Hause, Mike Liddicoat, Deanna Johnson, Ana Macias, Judith Mills

Time:  12:00 – 1:30 pm

Location:  Kaiser Center Tower; 300 Lakeside Drive; Room 2842; Oakland, CA; 94612

Meeting called to order at 12:08 pm by Carmen Huddleston.

Old Business                                 

1.      Minutes from the July 25, 2013 Business Meeting – Amy Studer

Minutes were approved without corrections. (Motion brought by Raquel; Seconded by Suzanne)

2.      Professional Development Committee –  Carmen Huddleston

Ana Macias has agreed to serve as NCNMLG’s AHIP Credential Liaison.  Thank you Ana!

3.      Membership Committee – Mike Liddicoat

Mike sent out emails to non-renewing members and received responses from eight people who are not renewing.  There are 32 past members with uncertain status.  Mike reported the good news that there are now 75 renewing members for this year.

4.      Outreach Committee – Julia Hause

Xan Goodman and Julia will attend an autumn health awareness fair in Nevada on Oct 12th.  They will focus on consumer health information (brochures, MedlinePlus, demonstrations). They are interested in attending other local events. She is also coordinating with the University of North Texas to do outreach – they now have a cohort of library students in Las Vegas.

Xan is working on a plan for outreach activities in Northern California to attract new NCNMLG members, including working with San Jose State University to do outreach with students.  Xan and Julia have talked about hosting an open house in the San Francisco-Bay Area in Spring 2014.  Judith and Stephen offered to help with it.

5.      Treasurer’s Report – Deanna Johnson

Deanna reported on expenses through September 2013 (see Appendix A).  Judith asked for clarification about the status of membership dues.  Deanna explained that the membership dues come in toward the end of the fiscal year when they are due.  Because of this she would not expect the current year’s budget to appear to be balanced in terms of income and expense until the end of the [membership] year.

New  Business                  

6.      Announcement About Internet Library Conference – Judith Mills

Judith mentioned that The Internet Librarian conference is being held on October 28 – 30 in Monterey, CA.

Working with the conference organizers she arranged that, through NCNMLG membership, we could all receive a generous discount for both the full conference and the two-day Internet@Schools track. The early bird full-conference registration rate of $499 is now being offered to you for $349, a $150 savings, and the Internet@Schools early registration rate of $199 is being reduced to $99, a $100 savings. Members have to register by September 27, 2013 to get these early rates, but if you are unable to do so, you will still receive your NCNMLG discount of $150 for the full conference and $100 for the two-day track off of the late registration rates. Judith urged the members to take advantage of this NCNMLG membership benefit discount and sign up by entering the coupon code 13NCN.

7.      NCNMLG / MLGSCA Joint Meeting in Winter (Jan-Feb) 2016  – Carmen Huddleston

Carmen discussed the plans for NCNMLG hosting the meeting in Winter (Jan-Feb) 2016.  She reported that Chezire has volunteered to serve as meeting chair.

Carmen discussed the need to set a venue.  One of the venue options posed was San Jose State University.

Rebecca recommended that we discuss the experience at UCSD during the 2013 Joint Meeting in July.  Was it a money saver?  Did MLGSCA break even?

Ana recommended including anticipated flight costs in the venue planning.  Perhaps Sacramento would be a good option with the airport accessible.  Rebecca chaired the committee for a previous Sacramento event.

Carmen says that there is supposed to be a policy and procedure manual.  Rebecca says that it is a very brief document without many details.

Action item:  Chezire will contact Amy Chatfield about how the San Diego meeting went and will ask about the process they used for planning the meeting.

8.      NCNMLG Programs for 2013-14  –  Carmen Huddleston

Carmen announced that NCNMLG will plan a program at the end of 2013 or early in 2014 for members.  Possible topics discussed include:

  • How to ward off library closures in hospitals.  MLA is gathering ideas and will send a person from the hospital library division.  Stephen suggested folding copyright expertise into the value of hospital libraries.
  • Writing articles and getting published.
  • Data curation.
  • Learn career survival skills. Judith can arrange for speakers.

9.      Ysabel Bertolucci Professional Excellence Award  – Carmen Huddleston

Carmen presented the 2013 Ysabel Bertolucci Professional Excellence Award (plaque) to Marcus Banks (see Appendix B).

Marcus returned the NCNMLG presidential gavel to Carmen.

Meeting adjourned by Carmen Huddleston at 12:55 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Amy Studer, NCNMLG Secretary.

Appendix A:  NCNMLG Sept 2013 Treasurer Report

Appendix B 2013 Ysabel Bertolucci Professional Excellence Award Presentation

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