NCNMLG Business Meeting Minutes: July 25, 2013

Agenda:  Minutes from May 24, 2013 Business Meeting  |  Treasurer’s Report  |  Professional Development Committee  |  Membership Committee  |  Quint Meeting Continuing Education Committee  |  2016 Joint Meeting

By Phone:  Raquel Abad, Xan Goodman, Carmen Huddleston, Deanna Johnson, Mike Liddicoat, Judith Mills
In-Person:  Chezire Aclimandos, Hella Bluhm-Stieber, Helen Chang, Mina Davenport, Rebecca Davis, Michelle Henley, Ana M. Macias, Peggy Makie, Beverly McLeod, Claire Sharifi, Amy Studer, Marilyn Tinsley
Location:  Price Center, University of California, San Diego; La Jolla, CA
Time:  4:30 – 5:30 pm
Format:  In-Person & Conference Call; 866-740-1260; Access Code: 7344634#
Link to ReadyTalk recording:  Not available.
Meeting called to order 4:41pm by Carmen Huddleston.

1.  Welcome — Carmen Huddleston

2.  Minutes from May 24, 2013 Business Meeting discussed — Amy Studer

Minutes were approved without amendment (moved by Amy; seconded by Rebecca).

3. Treasurer’s Report — Deanna Johnson

Deanna presented the NCNMLG 2013/14 Budget (Appendix A).


a.    Carmen asked if the Ysabel Bertolucci Award of $1000 was included in the Budget.  Deanna showed the group where this item is on the Budget.

b.    Judith asked if Internet Librarian Conference refund had been received for two member’s attendance (2 x $9) had been received.

Action item:  Deanna will follow up with InfoToday.
c.    Peggy asked what happened to the Acteva money – Deanna reported that it went into last year’s income in April/May 2013.
No corrections were made to the NCNMLG 2013/14 Budget.

4.  Professional Development Committee — Claire Sharifi

a.       Job announcement:   USF Head of Collections and Acquisitions position is open.  For more information:

b.       Claire is on the programming committee for the QUINT meeting and would welcome any suggestions.

c.    The Colleague Appreciation Program has received a generous donation of $100 from an anonymous donor, recognizing Judith and the entire executive board for their hard work during 2012-13.  Chezire was also recognized.  You can recognize a colleague any time and the recipients will receive a letter and a certificate.  Judith suggests adding an entry to the blog, recognizing the people who have been recognized.

d.       The Professional Development Committee has developed new Mentoring Program Guidelines. The Guidelines will be a resource for members who are mentoring new students, new librarians, or librarians undergoing a change in career focus.

Action item:  Claire expects to send the Guidelines out to the NCNMLG Executive Board for feedback and then to the membership.

d.    Judith asked if anyone had volunteered to fill the NCNMLG Chapter AHIP Coordinator position.  Chezire reported that it is unfilled.
Action item Chezire will link to more information about the NCNMLG Chapter AHIP Coordinator Position on the blog.

5.  Membership Committee — Mike Liddicoat

a.      Mike has been in contact with Sunny, the Membership Chair for Southern California.  NCNMLG offers similar member benefits, including educational opportunities, discounts at conferences, the listserv and website, Survey Monkey, and member directory.  Southern California report that they are increasing tracking of membership.  For example, they charge Emeritus members $17.50 annually which means that the chapter can maintain current contact information.  We don’t have good contact information for about 50% of our emeritus members.
b.      Current membership report:  57 paid, 31 emeritus members, 7 non-paid (1 unemployed, 4 honorary, 2 students).   Total membership is 95 (As of July 21, NCNMLG has 55 members fewer than last year).  Mike is updating the directory.
c.     Judith suggested to send out email to unpaid members, including a survey about non-renewals.  Mike notes a trend in non-renewals for institutional members, industry, and the Kaiser librarians.  Mike agreed to pursue sending out a survey to non-renewals.   Chezire and Carmen will lend support in wording the survey.  Rebecca asked who would receive the survey? Judith suggested that only non-renewing members would receive the questionnaire.
Action item:  Mike will develop an email survey for non-renewing members with support from Carmen and Chezire.
d.      Raquel advises that we will need to update the Survey Monkey password, if it has not already been done.
e.      Carmen brought up the idea of individuals sponsoring other members in the first year as a way to bring in members.
f.      Ana Macias asked about how membership is promoted.  Mike reported that he sends out letters before renewal.
Action item:  Xan Goodman will develop ideas out outreach to San Jose State students, the CAPHIS, hospital and public libraries.

New  Business

6.   Quint Chapter Meeting Continuing Education Committee — Judith Mills

For Quint Meeting, Denver, CO, 2014:
a.      Judith is working on a questionnaire about what type of continuing education courses to offer at the Quint Meeting.  She would appreciate feedback about the questionnaire before she sends it out at the end of July.  Judith also requested that NCNMLG members would to fill out the CE survey, once it is circulated. (See Appendix B:  Continuing Education Committee Questionnaire)
b.      Carmen wants to send out a similar survey to NCNMLG chapter members.  Discussion followed about whether we should combine or space the questionnaires so that they are not back to back.  Also, could we use the Quint Chapter CE Committee’s questionnaire to plan NCNMLG continuing education activities? Judith expressed her willingness to support this activity.
Action item:  Carmen will also send a questionnaire in September.

7.   2016 Joint Meeting — Carmen Huddleston

Carmen discussed beginning to plan the 2016 Joint Meeting, which NCNMLG will host in Northern California.  She solicited feedback from current joint meeting attendees about whether they prefer hotel or dorm accommodations.

8.  Listserv  — Chezire Aclimandos

Chezire proposed a strategy for the listserv to help members reduce information overload.  The listserv will have a set format for the subject line that will include type of email.  She hopes to identify six-10 categories of email, such as professional development, fyi, upcoming events, conferences, blog, website, jobs.
Action item Chezire will place the list on the blog and people can comment.

9.  Internet Librarian Conference – Judith Mills

Judith announced that the Internet Librarian Conference is coming up in Monterey, CA from October 28-30, 2013.  She asked if NCNMLG would want her to secure a member discount rate, as she did it last year. The cost of the 3 day full conference for those members who would register by September 27, 2013 is $349, instead of $499, a $150 savings. If they signed up between September 27 – October 28, the cost is $369 instead of $519, a $150 discount. Since the overall response from the meeting’s participants was positive, Judith will follow up and obtain the registration discount for NCNMLG members.

Meeting adjourned at 5:33pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Amy Studer, Secretary.
Appendix A:  2013-2014 Budget

Appendix B:  Continuing Education Committee Questionnaire

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