NCNMLG Business Meeting Minutes: April 16, 2014

Agenda:  Meeting minutes from January 13, 2014  |  Treasurer  |  Membership Committee  |  Professional Development Committee  |  Outreach Committee  |  Outreach Event  |  Increase in Membership Dues  |  MLA Annual Meeting  |  PO Box  |  Election Results

In-person: Raquel Abad, Mina Davenport, Michelle Henley, Carmen Huddleston, Stephen Kiyoi, Sara Pimental, Peggy Tahir, and Debbie Sommer
By phone: Chezire Aclimandos, Deanna Johnson, Mike Liddicoat, Judith Mills, and Amy Studer
Time: 9:45 – 10:45 AM
Location: University of California, San Francisco, Library; 530 Parnassus Avenue, Room 201; San Francisco, CA 94117

Meeting called to order at 9:53 AM by Carmen Huddleston.

Old Business

1. Minutes from the January 13, 2014 Business Meeting – Amy Studer

Minutes were approved without corrections. (Moved by Judith Mills; Seconded by Peggy Tahir)

2. Treasurer’s Report – Deanna Johnson

Deanna sent out budget (see Appendix A).  Judith asked for clarification regarding the budget notes, with Deanna providing explanations:

    • Line item 27: $75 Dues expenses reflects a $25 refund and $50 for an incentive program to encourage members to pay dues early;
    • US PO Box: The fee will be $60 every six months going forward. There was a one-time $4 key charge;
    • Line item 48: “Minus $211.75 to Carmen” refers to an outstanding check made to Carmen Huddleston for reimbursement of her out of pocket January 2014 meeting food expenses, for which NCNMLG was reimbursed by PSR. In other words, this was a way of processing reimbursement to Carmen and was not a net expense to NCNMLG.
    • Notes: $1000 is one time donation to Isabel Bertolucci Foundation (MLA)

3. Membership Committee – Mike Liddicoat
Mike reported that in spring 2013, members voted electronically to increase dues from $25 to $35 per year, to take effect June 1, 2014.
Mike reports that NCNMLG currently has 92 paid members and 6 students, for a total of 135 members in NCNMLG. In addition, we have a number of emeritus members that have not checked in. He recommends following up with the emeritus members in the next fiscal year.

Chezire has updated website to reflect dues increase. Also, the new mailing address has been changed on the website.
Action items:  Mike will submit a blog entry regarding the dues change and NCNMLG’s mailing address change. Mike will send out an address change announcement via listserv.

Further discussion:
Stephen brought up the idea of doing a longitudinal analysis of the membership. Judith reported that a survey was done last year about why members are not renewing. According to Mike, there was a poor response to the poll. Stephen recommends following up by calling people and to find out if there is a reason why people are not renewing (e.g., their libraries no longer exist).
Debbie brought up that restricting the email listserv to only active members may be making it so that potential members fall through the cracks. The group discussed re-visiting the policy that stipulates the listserv be restricted to active members. Raquel provided historical context of decision to restrict the listserv. Group members recommended looking at old membership directories to identify new members.
Stephen suggested that we need to think of additional ways to offer value, for example today’s NCNMLG Outreach Event and the NCNMLG Mentor list, which Stephen is refreshing. Judith recommended that the chapter could provide high-quality programs and perhaps charge a small fee for them. This approach worked well for other local library associations to increase their annual budgets. Debbie mentioned partnering with SLA and BayNet. Stephen noted how difficult it is to draw new people: example, today’s outreach event has 10 RSVP attendees, which includes the planners.  Judith suggested that NCNMLG should connect to the San Jose University Library School (SJSU SLIS) and its leadership inviting them to NCNMLG events because this type of collaborations proved to be useful for other library associations, such as BayNet, SLA SV, SLA PHTD and others. In the past Judith participated in team building activities with the SJSU SLIS and offered to assist NCNMLG if needed. Stephen suggested further outreach to SJSU students, including inviting them to meetings. Perhaps we could examine the demographics of SJSU students and where they are located. Mina suggested inviting students to participate in webinars. Carmen mentioned that NCNMLG Member, Suzanne Beattie, was part of a panel discussion at SJSU. Debbie suggested that we participate in a Library School Day where 3 or 4 organizations host a “mingle.” SLA hosts regular mingles at pubs with free appetizers and one free drink for students.

Debbie Sommer announced a BAYNET social event May 9th.

4. Professional Development Committee
Claire was unable to attend. Chezire reported that there is an April 22nd application deadline for the Ysabel Bertolucci Award for Professional Excellence and the Locke Morrisey Professional Development Grant. There is an online application on the NCNMLG website.

5. Outreach Event – Raquel Abad
Xan reminded people of the NCNMLG Outreach Event on April 16 (today) from 3-4:30 at El Camino Hospital: The event will offer lightening talks, bingo, mingling, a raffle, and food: An excellent time to be had.

6. Increase in Membership Dues – Carmen Huddleston
Mike announced previously during this meeting. (See Old Business, Item 3).
New Business

New Business

7. MLA Annual Meeting – Carmen Huddleston
Coming up in May. There is an online option for some of the CE’s, which is available for a fee

Also, the QUINT Chapter Meeting is coming up in fall 2014, October 12-16. The student registration fee will be $95 for one day; package A: $310; package B without hospital luncheon $270.
Judith announced there the CE Committee selected seven outstanding courses, all of them MLA accredited. They are priced with affordability in mind, $80 for the 4-hour course and $140 for the 6-hour course. Raquel mentioned that a writing retreat is planned at the end of the QUINT Chapter Meeting.
8. PO Box – Judith Mills
After the Berkeley-based P. O. B. Box had to be closed, Judith researched and found a new Box in Sunnyvale. It is the property of the US Postal Service and its fee is $80 less than the chapter paid for the previous one. Judith wrote a check for $64 for the first six months for the rental fee and for the two keys. Chezire being the alternate on the P. O. Box application form also received a key. Mail forwarding from the old Berkeley PO Box is currently in place. The group discussed the need to notify senders who send to the old Berkeley address that there is a new address. Judith requested that the senders should indicate on Attention to: line in the address, so the mail could be forwarded to the appropriate committee or person without opening it.

New address: NCNMLG
PO Box 64099
Sunnyvale, CA 94088

9. Executive Board – 2014-15
The 2014-15 NCNMLG Executive Board was elected this month via Survey Monkey:
President: Raquel Abad
Vice President: Stephen Kiyoi
Secretary: Amy Studer
Treasurer: Judith Mills
Bylaws/Election Committee: Julia Hause
MLA Nominating Committee: Michelle Henley
Representative to MLA Chapter Council: Mina Davenport
Alternate Rep to MLA Chapter Council: Michelle Rachal

10. Announcements
a. BAYNET social event May 9th
b. Internet Librarian in October, with NCNMLG membership discount available.
c. Stephen asked about NCNMLG members pursuing a potential collection development study that would look at how much member’s institutions pay for access to our library resources. Mina pointed out that agreements with publishers typically prevent sharing. Carmen recommended discussing with Geri Bodeker at CHIP South Bay.
d. Amy announced that the NCNMLG Chapter poster is completed and ready to be displayed at the El Camino Hospital event today and then onto the MLA Annual Meeting in May. A takeaway handout was also created. Amy acknowledged committee members that worked on it: Rupa Chaobol, Jean Johnson, Peggy Makie, Ana Macias, Claire Sharifi, Raquel Abad, and Rebecca Davis. Work on the poster started about a month ago and was accomplished via two conference calls and lots of emails. Amy expressed gratitude for the committee’s efforts and offered that this project was a great example of collaborative effort on the part of members, one nice benefit of membership in NCNMLG.

Meeting adjourned by Carmen Huddleston at 10:44 AM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Amy Studer, Secretary. Draft: May 22, 2014. Final: September 7, 2014
Appendix A: Budget

NCNMLG 2013_14 Budget 20140414

2014-04-16 NCNMLG Business Meeting Minutes FINAL


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