Author Archives: M Aiello

Rebecca’s Contributions to NCNMLG


Marilyn Tinsley

In the many years I have belonged to NCNMLG, Rebecca Davis has been a leader and inspiration for the organization.

Rebecca Davis Picture

Rebecca Davis

I especially appreciate her combination of level-headed common sense and her creative ideas for dealing with many types of problems. She is also great fun to work with.

I invite you to contribute comments and anecdotes about your experiences with Rebecca, as we congratulate her on her Continue reading

MLA ’14 blog post by Jennifer Dinalo

Thanks to the NCNMLG Professional Development Grant I was able to attend the MLA Annual Conference for the first time in Chicago (May 17-21). This was a great experience for me. I enjoyed meeting new people, and I learned a lot about medical informatics, my personal interest, from the many different sessions I was able to attend! Continue reading