NCNMLG Professional Development Grant
The NCNMLG Professional Development grant program has been created to support NCNMLG members’ professional development activities including attendance at classes, conferences and meetings and to provide NCNMLG members with the opportunity to increase their competence in the theoretical, administrative and/or technical aspects of librarianship and information management.
Applicants must be a regular member of NCNMLG.
NCNMLG distributes $4,000 in awards per year, $2,000 in the spring and $2,000 in the fall. There is a limit of $1,000 on each individual award.
Persons given the award must complete the program within a twelve-month period. Once the program has been completed, the awardee must write a short article for the NCNMLG blog on their experience, or deliver a presentation during an NCNMLG membership meeting. Failure to complete the program or to submit an article/deliver a presentation within the given time will result in the awardee being required to return the funds to NCNMLG.
Application Deadlines:
Calls for proposals are typically sent in the spring and fall of each year.
Rubric for Professional Development Grant
Ysabel Bertolucci Award for Professional Excellence (previously known as: NCNMLG Award for Professional Excellence)
The NCNMLG Award for Professional Excellence was established in 1991, and the first award was presented to Ysabel Bertolucci in October of 1992. The purpose of this award is to recognize members for long-term contributions to NCNMLG and to health sciences librarianship. Criteria for the award include the following:
- Candidate has demonstrated sustained and excellent achievement and made significant contributions towards the advancement of health sciences librarianship.
- Candidate has demonstrated distinguished service in health sciences librarianship in the areas of mentoring and service to the profession, institution, and/or community.
- Candidate is a member (active or emeritus) of NCNMLG at the time of nomination and has been an active contributor to NCNMLG, which could include serving on committees, holding elected positions, and participating in Joint Meeting planning.
Recipients receive a check for $350.00 and a commemorative plaque.
Rubric for Ysabel Bertolucci Award for Professional Excellence
Please submit your nominations via email to: cosharifi at in the form of a brief narrative describing the nominee’s contributions to health sciences librarianship and NCNMLG. Note that your nomination form, or excerpts from your nomination form, will be shared with MLA/NCNMLG membership in celebration of the awardee if your nominee is selected for this award.
Past recipients of the NCNMLG Ysabel Bertolucci Award for Professional Excellence:
2023 Mike Liddicoat
2022 No award presented
2021 Claire Sharifi
2020 Heidi Heilmann
2018 Xan Goodman
2017 Michelle Lieggi
2014 Judith Mills
2013 Marcus Banks
2011 No award presented
2010 No award presented
2009 Peggy Tahir
2008 No award presented
2007 No award presented
2006 Terri Malmgren
2005 Anne Shew
2004 Maryann Zaremska
2003 Linda Grix
2002 Rebecca Davis
2001 Dorrie Slutsker
2000 George McGregor
1999 Justine Roberts
1998 No award Presented
1997 Nancy Zinn
1996 Jo Anne Boorkman
1995 Leonard Shapiro
1994 Jacqueline Wilson
1993 No award presented
1992 Ysabel Bertolucci
NCNMLG Member of the Year Award
The NCNMLG Member of the Year Award was established in 2021. The purpose of this award is to recognize members for their work on an individual project that benefits NCNMLG and its members. Project examples could include serving as chair of a Joint Meeting or publication of an article important to the field, among others. Criteria for the award include the following:
- Candidate is a member of NCNMLG at the time of nomination.
- Candidate has shown creativity, exceptional performance, leadership/organizational abilities, and/or teamwork through their work on a project that benefits NCNMLG and its members.
Recipients receive a check for $350.00 and a commemorative plaque.
Rubric for NCNMLG Member of the Year Award
Please submit your nominations via email to in the form of a brief narrative describing the nominee’s contributions to health sciences librarianship and NCNMLG. Note that your nomination form, or excerpts from your nomination form, will be shared with MLA/NCNMLG membership in celebration of the awardee if your nominee is selected for this award.
Past recipients of the NCNMLG Member of the Year Award:
2023 Marina T. Aiello
2022 Anna Ferri
2021 Rachel Keiko Stark
NCNMLG Awards also include:
Locke Morrisey Professional Development Grant for Spectrum Scholars
NCNMLG sponsors one American Library Association Spectrum Scholar each year. NCNMLG Spectrum Scholars are invited to shadow NCNMLG members at regional universities, hospitals and medical centers. The Locke Morrisey Professional Development Grant for Spectrum Scholars provides funding for travel, meals, and accommodations during their visits.
Learn more about here the American Library Association Spectrum Scholar program.
Emeritus/Emerita Member Status
An NCNMLG member who has belonged to the Group for at least ten years at the time of retirement may apply for emeritus status by noting their request on the first Membership Renewal form received following retirement.
Following return of the form and confirmation of the membership informaiton by the Membership Committee, the member will be notified by the Chair of the Awards and Honors Committee that status has been granted. A copy of the awrd letter to hospital librarian applicants will be sent on their behalf to the Hospital Library Section of the Medical LIbrary Association, unless otherwise requested. A copy is also sent to the Membership Chair, to ensure that the member status is updated in the Membership Database.