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What I did last summer: Applying for AHIP using a NCNMLG Professional Development Grant, by Michelle Lieggi

As a librarian new to health sciences in 2005, I was eager to apply for membership in the Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP). Provisional members (less than 5 years experience) are encouraged to participate in continuing education and professional activities as a means toward full membership. But there is a fee to apply, so I was hesitant to submit my application. Even after 5 years experience, completing several CE courses, and being active in NCNMLG and MLA, the application languished on my desk. It would be another 5 years before I picked it up again. Fortunately, I had stayed active in NCNMLG and MLA, so by 2016, I had plenty of points towards AHIP membership. That’s when I discovered that NCNMLG had a professional grant – and it would fund the $200 application fee! After a summer spent working on my application, I was finally awarded Distinguished membership in AHIP in October 2016.

Just remember…NCNMLG’s professional development grants are available to ANY member, whether a newbie to the profession (or a “seasoned” member like me). And it’s never too late to apply for AHIP! Thank you NCNMLG for funding my application.

AHIP Application Support: A Post from NCNMLG Professional Development Grant awardee Michelle Rachal

I applied to MLA’s AHIP program this week thanks to a professional development grant I received from NCNMLG. I applied at the Provisional level and I’m looking forward to completing the requirements for the Member level. I feel this is an excellent opportunity for me to increase my skills in medical librarianship. When I started working in a medical library in 2009 I was hired as paraprofessional staff, eager to become a full-fledged librarian (I already had my MLIS). I did get promoted to a faculty position early in 2013 but I was still not a medical or health sciences librarian. Even so I was very interested in joining MLA and becoming a part of AHIP. Finally in August of 2013 I became the Health Sciences Librarian at the main library on our campus, University of Nevada, Reno. I became a member of MLA and NCNMLG but couldn’t afford the tuition for the AHIP program so I feel really fortunate to be able to finally join. Thank you NCNMLG for your support!

NCNMLG Member Renewals Now Due


I am writing to remind you to renew your NCNMLG membership. Our fiscal year began on June 1st 2015 and runs through May 2016. In addition to regular membership benefits that include:
• Networking
• Educational Opportunities
• Free Access to Survey Monkey
• Directory Listing

Discounted fees for the 2016 Joint Meeting ( will be available. You must be current in your NCNMLG Membership to qualify for discounted Conference Fees. Please renew early so you can take advantage of these discounts.

You may renew by credit card online at:
Another option is to renew by sending a check & your completed membership application to:
P O BOX 64099
Sunnyvale, CA. 94088

Please share this information with anyone you know who might be interested in joining our organization. We welcome and encourage new members.

Feel free to contact me at any time if you need Membership Assistance.
Thank You For Attending To This Message,
Mike Liddicoat, Membership Chair
(408) 866-4044

NCNMLG Business Meeting Minutes October 5, 2015

Business Meeting: 10:30 – 11:15 am

Link to Minutes


    Ysabel Bertolucci Award 2014 to Judith Mills — Stephen Kiyoi
    Treasurer’s update — Judith Mills
    NCNMLG/MLGSCA merger update — Stephen Kiyoi
    Joint Meeting 2016 update — Michelle Henley
    Membership dues — Mike Liddicoat

Program: 11:15-12:15 pm

Update on Clinical Librarianship — New Roles & Opportunities

Peggy Tahir, MLIS, MA
Education & Copyright Librarian
Library & Center for Knowledge Management
University of California, San Francisco

Nicole Capdarest-Arest, MA (LIS)
Clinical Librarian
Lane Medical Library
Stanford University

Alexander Lyubechansky, MA, MLIS
Clinical Librarian
Savitt Medical Library-Las Vegas
University of Nevada

Michelle Henley, MLS
Clinical Research Librarian
UCSF Medical Center / Fishbon Library

AHIP Application Support: a post from NCNMLG Professional Development Grant awardee Michelle Rachal

I applied to MLA’s AHIP program this week thanks to a professional development grant I received from NCNMLG. I applied at the Provisional level and I’m looking forward to completing the requirements for the Member level. I feel this is an excellent opportunity for me to increase my skills in medical librarianship. When I started working in a medical library in 2009 I was hired as paraprofessional staff, eager to become a full-fledged librarian (I already had my MLIS). I did get promoted to a faculty position early in 2013 but I was still not a medical or health sciences librarian. Even so I was very interested in joining MLA and becoming a part of AHIP.  Finally in August of 2013 I became the Health Sciences Librarian at the main library on our campus, University of Nevada, Reno. I became a member of MLA and NCNMLG but couldn’t afford the tuition for the AHIP program so I feel really fortunate to be able to finally join. Thank you NCNMLG for your support!