Are you interested in moving MLA forward? Do you love where MLA is going? Do you not love where MLA is going? Do you want a voice in the direction of our profession and be able to have your concerns heard, voiced, and addressed? The 2013 MLA Nominating Committee is excited to identify potential candidates for the 2013/2014 election, but we need your help! If you would like to recommend someone to be nominated for President or the Board, or would like to be Continue reading
Category Archives: MLA
Spotlight: Julia Kochi & MLA Nominating Committee
Julia Kochi, Director of Collections and User Services at the UCSF Library and Center for Knowledge Management sat down with our bloggers (Bijan Esfahani and Chezire Aclimandos) to discuss her nomination for the MLA Nominating Committee. Here is Julia from the Nov. 30th conversation.
Can you please tell us a little bit about the position for which you are running?
I am running for the MLA nominating committee, which is the group that comes up with the names for the president and the board elections for next year.
Had you run for this post in the past?
Yes, I have. I served on the nominating committee a number of years ago. At the time I had run and won the seat, I had run as part of NCNMLG (the nominee to the MLA nominating committee).
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Spotlight: Michelle Henley & MLA Nominating Commitee
Michelle Henley, Coordinator of Instruction and Consultation Services at the Barnett-Briggs Medical Library at San Francisco General Hospital sat down with our bloggers to talk about her nomination for the MLA Nominating Committee. Here is the scoop from the Nov. 30th conversation.
Can you please tell us the position for which you are running?
I am one of the nominees for the MLA nominating committee for 2013/14.
What interested you in the position?
I was actually selected by a board member and I became a nominee through the board.
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