MLGSCA presents “Information Treasure Hunt: Supporting Evidence-Based Practice @ Your Institution” on Friday, March 2, 2012, from 8 AM -5 PM at the UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library.
This event brings Connie Schardt (former MLA president and librarian at Duke University), MLGSCA member Robert Johnson (Clinical Services Librarian, University of Southern California), and Cheryl Bartel (former MLGSCA president, current School Nurse at Lake Elsinore Unified School District) to UCLA for a day of interactive instruction on topics critical for EBP success including study designs, critical appraisal, and practical methods for supporting EBP at your institution. Attendees will receive 8 CE credits. Continue reading
EAHIL Report from Xan Goodman
First, I would like to thank NCNMLG for their kind support of my application for a professional development grant. For the purpose of this blog entry I was asked to write about one aspect of the EAHIL workshop. EAHIL is the European Association for Health Information and Libraries is it an event held between EAHIL conferences. This year the workshop was held in Istanbul, Turkey at Koç University. Before talking about one specific aspect of the EAHIL workshop I must mention the conference organization.
MLGSCA Announces Online CE
On September 30, 2011, MLA President Jerry Perry will present an online interactive workshop, “The Librarian as a Professional, of How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Complexity” For more information: MLGSCA Fall CE 2011
A Message from the Membership Chair
I’m writing to encourage you to renew your NCNMLG membership for the 2011/2012 fiscal year. We’re looking forward to a year of new opportunities and challenges, as we move forward with new communication technologies and work together to support professional growth. NCNMLG members have access to our informative e-mail list and newsletter, as well as formal and informal chapter meetings and get-togethers. We can offer discounted rates to October’s Internet Librarian conference in Monterey and key information about next year’s MLA meeting in Seattle. Above all, we offer a regional community for information professionals to network, share ideas, and work toward common goals. The standard membership fee for new and renewing members is $25, which will cover June 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012. However, if you’re a student, an emeritus member, or currently unemployed, you can participate in NCNMLG for free. To renew your membership online, go to and choose the booking option that applies to you. You can also renew by mail — paper forms are available on the NCNMLG membership page, Don’t forget to include your current contact information when you renew your membership! An updated PDF directory will be sent to all members later this summer. Please note, changes to your information must be received by June 3 to be included in this year’s directory. We appreciate your past commitment to the organization and look forward to connecting with you in the future. Best wishes, Liz Lucas Membership Chair
RML Plans Announced
See 5/6/2011 Latitudes post for a Q and A regarding the NN/LM Pacific Southwest Regional Library’s plans for service to member libraries in the upcoming contract period.