Aidy Weeks: Co-Recipient of the Carla Funk Governmental Relations Award

NCNMLG would like to recognize Aidy Weeks, the co-recipient of the 2023 Carla Funk Governmental Relations Award from the Medical Library Association for her work with the Hispanic/Latinx Inclusive Terminologies Project.

Weeks who is the Director of the School of Medicine Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas and her co-recipient, Ruby Nugent, at the National Jewish Health Tucker Memorial Library in Denver, led two project teams that reviewed Hispanic/Latinx terminology specific to the United States as a way to help capture and recognize the diversity of this population.

Learn more about the project here.

— Submitted by Sara Pimental

NCNMLG Election Ballot Open

Our 2023 NCNMLG Ballot is available. The ballot closes on Tuesday, March 28th at 6pm PST. The ballot is open to all current members in NCNMLG.

New for this year: You will need to sign in to your NCNMLG/WildApricot account. Because we are now using WildApricot to administer elections, ballot access is tied to your account. You can reset your password if you forgot it.  [If you don’t know which email is associated with your account, please refer to the NCNMLG Listserv email from Daina Dickman on 3/13 with information about how to contact support for accessing WildApricot.]

– Originally shared by Daina Dickman

MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Spring Symposium Flyer

Registration for the upcoming MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Spring Symposium is open! Members can register for free; guests can register for $10.

This virtual event will be held on Thursday, March 09, 2023, 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM (MST) / 9:30AM – 4:00 PM (PST)

Topic: Shifting the Shelves: Collaborating Between Libraries

Event will include Speaker(s), Lightning Talks, Round Tables, social time, and door prizes.

Register by Feb. 28, 2023Information and Registration

NCNMLG will be holding a Virtual Happy Hour immediately following the Symposium (on 3/9/23 at 4:00pm PST). Zoom meeting details will be sent via the NCNMLG Listserv.

— Flyer created by Tenisha Jones

Register for the MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Spring Symposium!

There are only a couple of weeks left to register for this exciting symposium!  NCNMLG is planning a virtual happy hour for members to connect — more details about that to come soon.

Registration for the upcoming MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Spring Symposium is open! Members can register for free; guests can register for $10.

This virtual event will be held on Thursday, March 09, 2023, 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM (MST) / 9:30AM – 4:00 PM (PST)

Topic: Shifting the Shelves: Collaborating Between Libraries

Focusing on collaboration and exchange of ideas between librarians of different library types, careers, stages, cultures, backgrounds, etc. with a strong focus on working together and projects to help librarians help each other.

Event will include Speaker(s), Lightning Talks, Round Tables, social time, and door prizes.

Register by Feb. 28, 2023: Information and Registration

— Submitted by Sara Pimental

Aidy Week’s Award-Winning Essay Published

Aidy Weeks, NCNMLG member and 2021 MLA Erich Meyerhoff Prize winner for her history of medicine essay has been published in the Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA). “Proving the proverbial gadfly: situating the historical and racial context of Southern medical works by Mary Louise Marshall” is now freely available online. Ms. Weeks has written an impactful essay that uses a critical race theory lens to examine scholarly works and publicly-recorded statements by the longest-serving president of MLA, Mary Louise Marshall, on integration within the profession. This important work should be on every health sciences or medical librarian’s to-be-read list and NCNMLG is proud to recognize our colleague’s achievement and contribution to the profession.

Weeks A. Proving the proverbial gadfly: situating the historical and racial context of Southern medical works by Mary Louise Marshall. J Med Libr Assoc. 2021;109(4):528-539. doi:10.5195/jmla.2021.1261

— Submitted by Katie Houk