Community College health sciences librarians survey

Greetings health sciences librarians,

As a fellow of the Medical Library Association (MLA) Research Training Institute (RTI) 2019 cohort, I am researching community college health sciences librarians’ perceptions of Medical Library Association (MLA) competency skills.

The data will be used to fill a gap in the literature about how health sciences community college librarians develop librarianship competencies as defined by the Medical Library Association Competencies for Lifelong Learning and Professional Success and will identify any barriers encountered that impede their development. Learning this may help MLA improve its educational offerings, outreach, and value to community college librarians – a traditionally understudied community of health sciences librarians.

The survey should take you approximately 10 – 15 minutes to complete, with a final submission date of January 31, 2020.  Responses will be completely anonymous, as I am not collecting any personally- or institutionally- identifying data, nor will I analyze or report data in any way that might compromise individual identity.

If you are a community college health sciences librarian, please take the survey now:

Thank you in advance for your participation!  If you have questions about the survey, please contact Sandy McCarthy, lead researcher, at The survey received IRB approval.

Sandy C. McCarthy
Faculty Librarian
Baily Library
Washtenaw Community College
4800 E. Huron River Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48105

MLA Diversity and Inclusion Survey and Free AAMLA Webinars

From Xan Goodman:

I have two items; first, the African American Librarians Caucus is offering a series of free webinars. Please share this information with your networks.

October 30, 2019 2PM EST – Onsite Academic Interviewing

Eventbrite Registration –

December 4, 2019 3PM EST – Accessibility for Everyone: Thinking about Universal Design 

Eventbrite Registration –

Second, please consider completing the MLA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Task Force Survey. Details are below. 

MLA’s Diversity and Inclusion Task Force seeks member responses to a survey gathering perceptions and facts about MLA’s diverse membership, culture, and professional climate.

The survey should take you approximately 10–15 minutes to complete, with a final submission date of October 31, 2019.

Take the survey now:

The survey will provide an important snapshot of MLA to inform future conversations among association communities, task forces, and caucuses.

Thank you in advance for your participation! If you have questions about the survey or the work of the task force, please contact Sandra G. Franklin, AHIP, FMLA, chair, Diversity and Inclusion Task Force.

Xan Goodman (She/Her/Hers)
Health Sciences Librarian, Associate Professor 
University Libraries 
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Office: 702-895-2233/ Fax 702-895-2284

MLA 2020 Papers, Posters, Lightning Talks, and Immersion Sessions

For Prospective Submission Authors

Two abstract submission rounds for MLA ’20.
Read changes to the abstract submission process before submitting!

My Favorite Tool 2020: Updates and Recruitment Timeline

The Technology in Education Caucus is pleased to announce the following changes, updates, and the recruiting timeline for My Favorite Tool 2020. In 2019, the contestant slots filled up in less than 24 hours! Below are some changes and new things you can expect to see in 2020:

Major Changes include:

  • Contestants must attend the MLA Meeting to participate.
  • Contestants may not do live tool demonstrations.
  • Contestants can use Power Points.
  • We will not have judges.

New things for 2020 are:

  • We will have moderated discussions by tool platforms. These discussions will take place after all the tools have been presented by contestants.
  • We will only be using one rubric to evaluate the moderators and the contestants.

This year we have reorganized the My Favorite Tool session, but we will still provide $150 in prizes at the end of the session.

Three different opportunities to participate in My Favorite Tool and the recruiting timeline are outlined below:

Think Tank (6-8 Members)

  • ~3 month commitment (December 2019 – April 2020)
  • You must be enthusiastic and flexible. Yes, some work is involved – sorry – but you can stick it on your CV!
  • Attendance at MLA and My Favorite Tool is optional.

Moderators (2-3 Individuals) – Recruitment starts on January 2, 2020!

  • State why you want to be a My Favorite Tool moderator (200 words maximum).
  • Provide examples of your moderating and/or My Favorite Tool experiences.
  • We will have a back-up list, just in case conflicts arise.
  • Attendance at the entire My Favorite Tool session is mandatory!

Contestants (15 Individuals) – Recruitment opens on January 21, 2020. Mark your calendars and keep your eyes on your email addresses…this session fills quickly!

  • List up to 3 tools that you would like to present. Please consult the 2018 and 2019 Tools list, because the tools must be new!
  • Prepare a 3 minute presentation and appropriate responses to the moderator questions (provided by April 2020). You may use PowerPoints. We are sticklers about the 3 minutes.
  • We will have a back-up list, just in case conflicts arise.
  • Attend an optional session with Margaret in late March/early April to get questions answered pre-conference.
  • Attendance at the entire My Favorite Tool session is mandatory!

If you have any questions or if the links are not working, please contact Margaret Hoogland.