JoVE Librarian Travel Award

Call for applications: JoVE Librarian Travel Award – Charleston Conference 2018

Applications are now being accepted through August 1

JoVE is proud to support the professional development of academic librarians. To enable you to attend the Charleston Conference, we will pay for (and organize) your travel, accommodation and conference registration. We will sponsor two librarians from North America and two librarians from Europe or the Middle-East.

Submission Guidelines:

Library outreach continues to be one of the most important (yet challenging) facets of the academic librarian profession. This award will recognize librarians who have established an effective and sustainable practice of communication with their institution’s STEM students and faculty. Interested librarians should submit an essay (1,000 words or less) and examples of outreach materials.

For more information on this award and to apply visit:

Any questions? Contact

Professional Development Grant report from Ana Macias

Thanks to a Professional Development Grant from NCNMLG, I was able to cover the airfare to Aurora, CO where I attended a three-day immersion workshop on evidence based practice. The workshop titled “Supporting Clinical Care: An Institute in Evidence-Based Practice for Medical Librarians” covered a variety of topics relating to Evidence Based Practice, research design and so much more.

The “Institute” consisted of early morning large group lectures given by both new and seasoned Librarians guest instructors and faculty members from many institutions such as Dartmouth, Yale School of Nursing, UNC-Chapel Hill and of course Univ. Colorado-Anschutz to name a few.

The workshop emphasized the importance of understanding study designs, their strengths and limitations before one can formulate a good clinical question. The small group sessions provided an opportunity for collaboration, putting into practice the concepts covered in the large group lectures and team work. Small group was beneficial especially when critically appraising articles, performing searches and evaluating data. The lecture on assessing quality criteria in Qualitative research was especially helpful as was the chart comparing the principles of Qualitative and Quantitative studies side by side!!  (Acad Med 2013, v88n4p552).

The workshop will help me revisit a three-part series of presentations for our new nurses on finding and appraising EB information.

I highly recommend this 3.5 day intensive training! It’s one of the best professional training events I’ve attended. Thank you NCNMLG for your professional development award!

NCNMLG Archive

Posted on behalf of Jill Barr-Walker:

I recently spent some time digging through the NCNMLG archive at UCSF Library in search of pre-1980s photos for our chapter’s poster at MLA. (If you haven’t seen the poster, Michelle Bass did an amazing job compiling its timeline here:

Confession: I had never used an archive before and I’m clueless about all of those archival terms that are thrown around. What’s the difference between a crate and a box? What does “linear feet” mean? Is this how people feel when I say “systematic review” or “Boolean”? (Just kidding, I never say “Boolean”.) I’m new to NCNMLG and know very little about its history. I went in search of photos, but I found so much more! What follows is a selection of NCNMLG archival materials that caught my eye (apologies for the phone-shadows!):

1. Initial policies for the group in 1947, then referred to as “Medical Librarians of the SF Bay Area”

2. Minutes from the first meeting in 1947 and one in 1952

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Michelle Bass is a new member of AHIP!

[Posted by Michelle Rachal on behalf of Michelle Bass]

Thanks to NCNMLG’s professional development grant, I applied for and was granted provisional AHIP status as of June 2017. I had been on the fence about applying to AHIP as a provisional member but was encouraged to apply by colleagues from current and previous jobs. As luck would have it, Cynthia Henderson, AHIP, Associate Dean Health Sciences Libraries & Director Norris Library at the University of Southern California, is my AHIP mentor. I shared my interest in learning more about medical library budgetary needs as well as management and leadership training opportunities. I look forward to meeting with her in person at the upcoming NCNMLG/MLGSCA Joint chapter meeting in January 2018. Without this grant, I would not have applied for a provisional AHIP membership and would have missed out on this wonderful mentoring opportunity.

Nicole Capdarest-Arest: Now a “hip” member of AHIP!

[Posted by Claire Sharifi, on behalf of Nicole Capdarest-Arest]

Inspired by Michelle Lieggi and Michelle Rachal, fellow NCNMLG members who received professional development awards to apply for AHIP status, I similarly was very happy to receive NCNMLG’s support to help me put forward an application for AHIP, Senior Member status. Although I’ve been a medical librarian for over 5 years, the application fee for AHIP credentialing had thus far been a barrier to my putting forward an application. But this year, with the grant received from NCNMLG, I finally had everything it took (medical library experience, publications, CE credits, and the application fee) to apply. I’m proud to say my application was just accepted by the MLA Credentialing Committee, and I can now put “AHIP” in my signature line!

To help others out there who might be thinking about going through the AHIP application process, here are a few tips:

  • Organize! You will need to have evidence of all of your professional achievements. So if you’re thinking of applying for AHIP, start being diligent about organizing and documenting your CE credits, conference attendance, teaching activities, publications, etc. You will have to provide documentation for everything in PDF format. It’s way easier to get it all uploaded into the system if you are very organized and have this all in one place on your computer with a file naming system.
  • PDF compiling software. If you have PDF compiling software (like Adobe Acrobat Pro or similar software), this will be extremely helpful! The submission system asks that you upload supporting documents into as few PDFs as possible. Thanks to having access to good PDF compiling software, I was able to combine all my supporting documentation into one huge PDF, which I then uploaded in one go to the submission system. This made it easier on my end as the submission system can be a little tricky to deal with and, in my opinion at least, it also makes for a more professional looking submission that is easier for the committee to review.
  • Plan time. The submission documentation along with sitting at the computer and actually processing the submission form takes more time than expected. Plan for at least several days (if not months, depending on how much time you can work per sitting), even if you’re already extremely organized as mentioned above. You’ll also need a copy of your diploma or master’s degree transcript, so if you don’t have that already, you may need extra time to contact your university to get that.
  • Self-care. Be patient with the process. Because you may or may not have been organized in the past about collecting evidence for your professional accomplishments, part of the process may be frustrating (i.e., “I know I have that CE certificate somewhere?!). Remember you don’t have to have every single thing you’ve ever done, just as long as you have enough points overall to satisfy the criteria of the level you’re applying for. It’s a good reminder going forward to keep better track of your accomplishments in an organized way. Give yourself breaks when you need to, and know that you’ll get everything done in due time. This credential is for you!

Overall, I’m extremely grateful to NCNMLG for funding my AHIP application. It was a process that, though time consuming, I found extremely rewarding and well worth it.

Nicole Capdarest-Arest, MA(LIS), AHIP