NCNMLG Business Meeting Minutes: January 13, 2014

Agenda:  Minutes from July 30, 2013 Business Meeting | Treasurer’s Report | Professional Development Committee |  Membership Committee |  NCNMLG Post Office Box  | Continue reading

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NCNMLG Business Meeting Minutes: September 30, 2013

AgendaMinutes from July 25, 2013 Business Meeting | Professional Development Committee |  Membership Committee |  Outreach Committee | Treasurer’s Report |    Internet Library Conference |  NCNMLG / MLGSCA Joint Meeting in Winter (Jan-Feb) 2016  |  NCNMLG Programs for 2013-14  |  Ysabel Bertolucci Professional Excellence Award  |  Continue reading

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Upcomming TOXNET Class & CERT Training

CERT Training Group

CERT Training Group

I have just completed the initial portion of the Community Emergency Response Team Training (CERT).   — (I am in the second row 3rd from the right in the picture ).

This FEMA Training Class was conducted by the Palo Alto & Stanford Fire Departments, Paramedics, and Continue reading

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Membership Reminder

As NCNMLG Membership Chair, I am writing this post to encourage those individuals who have not yet renewed their membership to please consider doing so as soon as possible. Our membership year extends from June 1st to May 31st. Continue reading

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Call for Proposal: CE Course Teaching at the Quint Chapter Meeting

Are you interested in teaching a Continuing Education (CE) course to your colleagues? Continue reading

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Open Access Week Presentations at San Jose State University

mbanksA few weeks ago librarians and researchers around the world celebrated Open Access Week. Now in its sixth year, Open Access Week is a major showcase of the benefits of making the world’s scholarship open and easy to share.

As part of OA Week San Jose State University hosted a one Continue reading

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Ysabel Bertolucci Professional Excellence Award

Marcus Banks receiving the Ysabel Bertolucci's Award

Marcus Banks receiving the Ysabel Bertolucci’s Professional Excellence Award

It’s getting to be that time of year when we turn our clocks back and try to get as much done during the daylight hours. It’s also the time of year to gather with family and friends, including fellow medical librarians. We had our second business meeting at Kaiser in Oakland on September 30th . Thank you to Raquel Abad and Suzanne Beattie for arranging the location. We had much to discuss, but the main event was the presentation of the Ysabel Bertolucci Professional Excellence Award. Formerly known a Continue reading

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Disaster Information Specialization Certification

I want to share some information about the Medical Library Association Disaster Information Specialization Program. I feel this is particularly important in that we live in an area subject to earthquakes. This program was established by the NLM to help familiarize librarians with resources and databases that are used in Continue reading

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Applications are now being accepted for MLA’s Rising Star Program! Applications are due November 1, 2013.

Applications are now being accepted for MLA’s Rising Star Program!
The MLA Rising Star program has been developed for MLA members who are Continue reading

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NCNMLG Executive Board Meeting Minutes: September 30, 2013

AgendaJune 24, 2013 Meeting Minutes  |  Quint Meeting Writing Retreat Funding Contribution  |  Outreach Committee  |  Friends of NLM  |  Program Planning  |  Schedule of Meetings  |  CE Committee  |  Quint Meeting  | Continue reading

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