NCNMLG Business Meeting Minutes: July 25, 2013

Agenda:  Minutes from May 24, 2013 Business Meeting  |  Treasurer’s Report  |  Professional Development Committee  |  Membership Committee  |  Quint Meeting Continuing Education Committee  |  2016 Joint Meeting

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NCNMLG Executive Board Meeting Minutes: June 24, 2013

Agenda:  Minutes from April 15, 2013  |  Treasurer’s Report  |  Transition of Executive Board and Committees  |  Membership Committee  |  Joint Meeting–San Diego July 2013  |  Donation to MLA Ysabel Bertolucci Scholarship  |  Professional Development  |

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Evidence-Based Practice and Mobile Apps : continuing education classes at the MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting in San Diego

Hella Bluhm-Stieber

Hella Bluhm-Stieber

I attended the Joint Meeting in La Jolla and took 2 CE classes. The first one was given by Connie Schardt, who is the authority on Evidence-based practice and is still teaching classes even though she is retired. She showed and explained us the criteria for judging the validity of therapy studies and studies of diagnostic tests. She also went over the differences between quantitative and qualitative studies.  Continue reading

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NCNMLG Business Meeting Minutes: May 24, 2013

Agenda:  Treasurer  |  Archives  |  Professional Development Committee  |  Membership Committee  |  Chapter Council  |  Outreach Committee  |  MLA Poster Presentation  |  ACRL Conference  |  Quint Chapter Meeting | Continue reading

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An interview with Rebecca Davis, Head Librarian, Blaisdell Medical Library, UC Davis Health System.

Rebecca Davis

Rebecca Davis

At an early stage of her life, Rebecca’s interest in libraries combined with her endless fascination with medical information started shaping her career. In junior high, she remembers, she had an opportunity to spend a day with a public librarian. She was interested in what was happening at the library, and surprised that the librarian did not look like the older, very severe-looking librarian at the library in her neighborhood. This librarian was Continue reading

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New Year

CarmenHuddlestonDear NCNMLG Members,

Happy New Year!  Summer marks the beginning of the new fiscal and membership year for NCNMLG.  Welcome to those of you who have joined for the first time, thank you for joining NCNMLG and adding to our growing number of members.  Thank you also to our returning members who continue to support the growth of medical librarianship in Northern California and Nevada.  Continue reading

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Earn 4 MLA CE Hours While You Learn: Discovering TOXNET: From Paracelsus to Nanotechnology

Hi NCNMLG Members!

Interested in using TOXNET but need to brush up on your skills? Sign up for the National Library of Medicine Training Center’s course offered exclusively to NCNMLG members while you earn 4 MLA CE hours.  See details below. If you have any questions please let me know. Continue reading

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Sewell Stipend Calls for Applicants

Librarians with an interest in public health, make this the year you attend the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting.  Stipends funded by The Grace and Harold Sewell Memorial Fund for this purpose will be awarded to at least 11 librarians in 2013.  This year’s APHA meeting will take place in Boston, MA from November 2-6, 2013. Its theme is Think Global, Act Local: Best Practices Around the World. Continue reading

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2013 Joint MLGSC/NCNLMG Joint Meeting in San Diego

2013 MLGSCA/NCNLMG Joint Meeting, July 24-27
Waves of Change, Oceans of Opportunity

Meeting at a Glance
Call for proposals
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Mina Davenport, Children’s Hospital – Away for EPIC training – July 29 to December 2, 2013

I will out of the Library starting on July 29 to be trained as a Certified Trainer for EPIC, our electronic medical record. I will be learning and then teaching Cadence, which is scheduling/registration. I will also be a SuperUser and doing extra training during implementation in October and November. I should be Continue reading

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