Category Archives: Connections

Allyship and Advocacy at Work: Moving from Awareness to Action

Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2023
Time: 12:00-1:30PM Pacific / 1:00-2:30PM Mountain / 2:00-3:30PM Central

Members from sponsoring chapters need not register as they will receive an email from their chapter with the presentation login information. Sponsoring members include the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association (SC/MLA), the North Atlantic Health Science Libraries (NAHSL), and the Northern California Nevada Library Group (NCNMLG).

The MCMLA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee along with the Education Committee have arranged for a special DEI presentation and discussion event, September 13, by Dr. Linda Grace Solis. Dr. Solis will speak for 60 minutes and then there will be a 30-minute discussion to follow.

Description: Each of us has a role to play in building an inclusive and equitable workplace. Even if you are not in a position of traditional or positional power, you can be an ally and an advocate for the people around you. In this session, you’ll have the opportunity to explore what it means to be an ally and an advocate at work, and you’ll walk away with concrete tools you can use to build a workplace culture that is inclusive and where everyone can feel a sense of belonging.

Short Bio: Linda Grace Solis, PhD, has long been passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) issues as related to medical education and to healthcare in general. Dr. Solis serves as faculty advisor for several learner affinity groups at UIWSOM and loves getting to know the learners through these groups. She delights in mentoring students on their journeys to and through medical school, especially those students who are from communities that are under-represented in medical education and healthcare. A lifelong fan of libraries of all kinds, Dr. Solis is fortunate to be a “librarian-in-law” through her sister, who has been a medical librarian for over 25 years. Dr. Solis holds a PhD in Leadership Studies from Our Lady of the Lake University.

Note: The Zoom link will be shared via the NCNMLG Listserv.

Flyer for event

– Provided by Brenda Linares

NCNMLG Chapter News | August 2023

Upcoming Chapter Activities
NCNMLG will be sending out a 6-question survey to the listserv this month. Everyone is highly encouraged to respond.

We are currently partnering with Mid Continental Chapter to host a virtual webinar in September: “Allyship and Advocacy at Work: Moving from Awareness to Action”. More information will be coming soon.

We are in the process of planning a fall Chapter meeting. Be alert for a poll coming through the listserv asking for your input on a preferred date and time (select from 2-3 options).

Open Positions
We are seeking an Archivist for NCNMLG. Please see page 20 of the Policy and Procedure Manual for more information on the Archivist role. If you have any interest in volunteering or any questions about the role, please email:

Recently Filled Positions
Lara Katrina Schott has taken on the role of Chair and Sarah Naumann has joined as a member for the Bylaws/Nominating/Election Committee.

Morgan Brynnan has taken on the role of Membership Coordinator.

Welcome to our new NCNMLG Officers and NCNMLG Committee Members, and thank you to those outgoing officers and committee members! NCNMLG appreciates your support as well as all the time and energy you’ve contributed to our NCNMLG work!

Joint Meeting Postponement
The Joint Meeting has been postponed and will no longer be held in 2024 in San Diego. More information to come.

Support Your NCNMLG Colleagues at MLA | SLA 2023

These NCNMLG members will be presenting at MLA | SLA 2023 in Detroit from May 16-19. Whether you are attending virtually or in person, please try to support our members and attend their presentations.

Wed., May 17, 2023

Assessment of Library Services in Pediatric Hospitals in the United States and Canada
Presenter: Brian Baker, Valley Children’s Healthcare
Session: Lightning Talk Session 1
Date: Wednesday May 17, 2023
Time: 11:05 AM – 11:10 AM

Connecting with Stakeholders and Communicating your Library’s Value Proposition
Facilitator: Chris Shaffer, University of California, San Francisco
Session: Panel Discussion
Date: Wed., May 17, 2023
Time: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

Thurs., May 18, 2023

Silly Question Program, Systematic Review Caucus
Presenter: Megan DeArmond, Touro University Nevada
Session: Virtual Poster
Date: Thursday May 18, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Poster Session 1

The Role of Health Sciences Libraries in support consent standards for medical images
Presenters: Sarah McClung, University of California, San Francisco; Rachel Keiko Stark, California State University, Sacramento & Megan DeArmond, Touro University Nevada
Session: Virtual Paper Session
Date: Thursday May 18, 2023
Time: 2:00 PM – 2:15 PM

An Analysis of Publications Regarding Scholarly Activity Among Osteopathic Education Institutions
Presenters: Megan DeArmond, Touro University Nevada & Katie Hoskins, Touro University Nevada
Session: Virtual Paper
Date: Thursday May 18, 2023
Time: 2:30 PM – 2:45 PM

Student Wellness Initiatives in Jesuit University Libraries
Presenter: Claire Sharifi, University of San Francisco, Gleeson Library 
Session: In-Person Poster
Date: Thursday May 18, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Poster Session 1

Fri., May 19, 2023

Forging Ahead with the NAHRS Nursing Essential Resources List
Presenter: Rachel Keiko Stark, California State University, Sacramento
Session: MLA Paper Presentation
Date: Friday May 19, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM presentation block

Silly Question Program, Systematic Review Caucus
Presenter: Megan DeArmond, Touro University Nevada
Session: Virtual Poster
Date: Friday May 19, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Advocacy Resources for Hospital Librarians — Hospital Library Caucus LibGuide
Presenter: Brian Baker, Valley Children’s Healthcare
Session: Professionalism & Leadership Papers 4
Date: Friday May 19, 2023
Time: 1:15 PM – 1:30 PM

Coral calcium, coconut oil and Corgis: Leveraging the hospital library to combat health misinformation in the clinical setting
Presenters: Melissa Spangenberg, Kaiser Permanente & Sian Aynsley, Kaiser Permanente
Session: Virtual Lightning Talks and Papers 4
Date: Friday May 19, 2023
Time: 1:30 PM – 1:45 PM

— Submitted by Sara Pimental

Aidy Weeks: Co-Recipient of the Carla Funk Governmental Relations Award

NCNMLG would like to recognize Aidy Weeks, the co-recipient of the 2023 Carla Funk Governmental Relations Award from the Medical Library Association for her work with the Hispanic/Latinx Inclusive Terminologies Project.

Weeks who is the Director of the School of Medicine Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas and her co-recipient, Ruby Nugent, at the National Jewish Health Tucker Memorial Library in Denver, led two project teams that reviewed Hispanic/Latinx terminology specific to the United States as a way to help capture and recognize the diversity of this population.

Learn more about the project here.

— Submitted by Sara Pimental

NCNMLG Election Ballot Open

Our 2023 NCNMLG Ballot is available. The ballot closes on Tuesday, March 28th at 6pm PST. The ballot is open to all current members in NCNMLG.

New for this year: You will need to sign in to your NCNMLG/WildApricot account. Because we are now using WildApricot to administer elections, ballot access is tied to your account. You can reset your password if you forgot it.  [If you don’t know which email is associated with your account, please refer to the NCNMLG Listserv email from Daina Dickman on 3/13 with information about how to contact support for accessing WildApricot.]

– Originally shared by Daina Dickman