Upcoming Chapter Activities
NCNMLG will be sending out a 6-question survey to the listserv this month. Everyone is highly encouraged to respond.
We are currently partnering with Mid Continental Chapter to host a virtual webinar in September: “Allyship and Advocacy at Work: Moving from Awareness to Action”. More information will be coming soon.
We are in the process of planning a fall Chapter meeting. Be alert for a poll coming through the listserv asking for your input on a preferred date and time (select from 2-3 options).
Open Positions
We are seeking an Archivist for NCNMLG. Please see page 20 of the Policy and Procedure Manual for more information on the Archivist role. If you have any interest in volunteering or any questions about the role, please email: NCNMLGChapter@gmail.com
Recently Filled Positions
Lara Katrina Schott has taken on the role of Chair and Sarah Naumann has joined as a member for the Bylaws/Nominating/Election Committee.
Morgan Brynnan has taken on the role of Membership Coordinator.
Welcome to our new NCNMLG Officers and NCNMLG Committee Members, and thank you to those outgoing officers and committee members! NCNMLG appreciates your support as well as all the time and energy you’ve contributed to our NCNMLG work!
Joint Meeting Postponement
The Joint Meeting has been postponed and will no longer be held in 2024 in San Diego. More information to come.