Present on conference call: Michelle Rachal, Michelle Henley, Stephen Kiyoi, Amy Studer, Claire Sharifi, Julia Hause, Jennifer Dinalo, Carmen Huddleston, Xan Goodman, Judith Mills
Location: ReadyTalk conference call.
Meeting called to order by Stephen Kiyoi at 2:07pm.
Potential NCNMLG/MLGSCA Merger — Stephen Kiyoi
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the potential merger of NCNMLG/MLGSCA.
The FAQ (follows minutes) summarizes at a high level the anticipated benefits, process, and questions related to the potential merger.
Stephen asked meeting attendees for questions and comments related to merger and / or FAQs in order to identify anything else that needs to be considered before approaching MLGSCA.
Questions raised:
- When will there be a formal timeline or committee identified? According to Stephen, it is hard to know exactly how long it will take. See process part of FAQ for steps. Timeline and revision of the FAQ would need to come out of conversations with MLGSCA.
- Would there still be opportunities for NCNMLG members to participate? Per Stephen, these details will likely be worked out in committee.
- Would a merger coincide with chapter elections? Probably timeline will mean that NCNMLG will hold elections in Winter 2015.
After discussion, Michelle Henley moved to initiate discussions with MLGSCA with an intention to pursue a merger. Seconded: Stephen Kiyoi. Executive Board voted unanimously to approve the motion. So moved.
Judith joined the meeting after the vote and posed the question: What is MLA’s take on the merger? Stephen responded that MLA is a separate entity from NCNMLG and their role is to share the processes / experiences that other chapters have gone through as they have merged. Judith asked re: timing for the merge and impact on paying bills. As time frame is yet to be determined, Stephen advised shorter time frame for renewals of Chapter subscriptions to services such as SurveyMonkey..
Meeting adjourned at 2:32 pm by Stephen Kiyoi.
12/18/2014 — Draft minutes posted for comment by Amy Studer, NCNMLG Secretary.
Why should we consider a merger?
NCNMLG is a small chapter with rapidly declining membership. We have 64 paid members, while larger chapters such as MLGSCA have more than 200. Our membership has declined about 40% each year for the past two years. This places an increased burden on our members to volunteer for leadership positions and carry out the business of the chapter.
What’s the benefit of merging?
A larger, combined chapter would mean more professional colleagues, more connection to professional and educational opportunities, and a wider pool of potential leaders. Both chapters could also build on their history of collaborating to host the annual Joint Meeting.
What has happened so far?
The merger has been discussed at the NCNMLG Executive Board and Business Meetings. We have also collected documentation on the 2009 Pittsburgh/MAC chapter merger. Our President and Vice President discussed the idea with MLGSCA leaders Kathleen Carlson (President) and Danielle Linden (Vice President), and Ray Naegle from MLA.
What’s the process for the merger decision?
The decision to merge chapters involves several votes. Each will be accompanied by an update of this FAQ, along with sufficient time for comment and discussion among members. These steps include:
- NCNMLG Executive Board Vote
- MLGSCA Advisory Council Vote
- Member of both Chapters Vote
- Final vote by MLA Chapter Council
And for the merger, if approved?
If approved, leadership in both chapters will participate in the process. Broadly:
- MLGSCA amends their name and bylaws to incorporate NCNMLG region/members
- NCNMLG dis-incorporates and disburses funds to the new combined chapter
- Leadership and Committees of both chapters meet to combine and/or coordinate their activities
What potential issues have been identified?
- Need for equity for NCNMLG members/ leadership in a new combined chapter
- Need for continuation of NCNMLG scholarships/awards
- Potential duplication of chapter officers/committee chairs
- Increased competitiveness for leadership positions
- Need for continued administrative/financial support for NCNMLG local activities