NCNMLG Executive Board Meeting Minutes: August 20, 2014


In-person:  Stephen Kiyoi, Claire Sharifi, Peggy Tahir, Michelle Henley

By phone:  Raquel Abad, Amy Studer, Deanna Johnson, Mike Liddicoat, Chezire Aclimandos, Carmen Huddleston, Judith Mills, Xan Goodman

Time:  10:15 am

Location:  UCSF Library, 530 Parnassus Avenue, Room 201; San Francisco, CA; 94122

Conference Call:  866-740-1260, Access Code:  7343870

Meeting called to order at 10:14 AM by Raquel Abad.

Old Business                                  

Minutes from the June 5, 2014 Executive Board Meeting – Amy

Minutes were approved with the following revisions. (Moved by Judith; Seconded by Carmen)

Action item:  In section 4, paragraph 2, change the last sentence FROM “The motion was unanimously passed” TO “The Executive Board voted and it passed unanimously.”

New  Business      

Internet Librarian Conference Discount for NCNMLG Members — Judith

Judith announced an available $150 discount for NCNMLG members for the Oct 27-29th Internet Librarian Conference in Monterey.

Action item:  Judith will post information to the NCNMLG Blog.

Leadership Transition Plans – Raquel

Raquel stepping down and Stephen Kiyoi is now NCNMLG Presidenc for the remainder of this year and will continue into the membership year of 2015-2016.  Stephen has asked Michelle Henley to be Vice-President during his Presidency and she has agreed. Stephen asked the group if there were any other people who are interested.  Judith reported that she had been in discussion with a couple of other librarians, but she is pleased that Michelle has agreed to take the position.  According to Raquel, the Bylaws state that if the current President steps down, then the Vice-President will step in to fill the role.

Stephen is hoping to formalize and communicate the nomination process so that new members can understand better how they can participate.

Chezire, Carmen and Judith thanked Raquel for her service and wished her well in her new position.

Treasurer Documents – Stephen      

Deanna wonders if she can destroy checks and statements that are older than 7 years (2005).  Michelle moved that Deanna have discretion to destroy checks and statements older than 7 years.  Claire seconded the motion.  All agreed. No objections.  The motion passed.

Stephen suggests resolving the issue of where we send the records.  Stephen offered to have the documents sent to his library at SFGH because it is a more convenient location for Judith. Judith moved that Deanna be reimbursed up to $150 for shipping the boxes.  Amy seconded. All agreed. No objections or abstentions. The motion passed.

Judith cannot open dusty boxes due to a health condition.  Chezire wonders if we could get a library student to scan the documents.  Judith would be happy to work as part of a team and offer guidance and supervise the efforts at going through the boxes, but she cannot go through the boxes herself because of health issues.

Judith has been talking with Ray Naegle at MLA.  MLA websites and NCNMLG bylaws recommend keeping for 7 years.  Deanna reports that the documents are in chronological order and are in good order in general.

Deanna has 3.5 boxes of documents at her house.  Carmen has agreed to keep them at Stanford in her library.  We estimate that it will cost up to $100-150 to ship the documents to Carmen at Stanford.

Quint Meeting – Raquel  

Xan wonders if anything else needs to be done to promote the writing retreat.  Claire has promoted the writing retreat by email to the NCNMLG membership, but did not receive any response from members.

Raquel needs to have a Quint Steering Committee NCNMLG Representative replacement.  The representative needs to be someone from NCNMLG who can attend all steering committee meetings and also attend the Quint Meeting.  Xan has agreed to serve in this capacity.

Treasurer’s Report – Judith

Judith presented a summary of our budget for the year.  See Appendix A.

Deanna asked for clarification about PayPal administrative expense.   She also asked about the budget item for Ysabel Bertolucci Award, which, according to Claire, is granted once per year and should only be $200.

Judith noted that MLA has an outstanding $360 for dues from last year and we have one outstanding professional development award of $300 from last year to pay.

FNLM donation — Raquel  

Action item:  Judith will complete the membership form and send in the check for FNLM membership.

Raquel asked whether we want to contribute to the gala.  Judith moved that this year we do not contribute to the gala due to budget issues, but reconsider next year (Xan seconded). No discussion. The Executive Board votes and approved the motion unanimously.

Raquel explained options to provide institutional support to FNLM as member and gala event (see Appendix B).  Peggy Tahir moved that we join FNLM as an institutional member at the “Friend Level” of $100.  Stephen seconded. No discussion. The Executive Board voted and approved the motion unanimously.

Meeting adjourned by Raquel Abad at 10:48 am.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Amy Studer, Secretary.  Draft:  September 7, 2014.

Final approved:  October 22,2014


Appendix A:  NCNMLG Budget 2014-2015

Appendix B:  FNLM and NLM Gala Documents