Minutes from Feb. 19, 2013 Business Meeting | Professional Development | Treasurer’s Report | Increasing Revenue | Archives | Membership Update, SurveyMonkey, and SurveyMonkey Guidelines | Nominating Committee | Outreach Committee | Professional Dev Committee | Misc
Webex Attendees: Raquel Abad, Chezire Aclimandos, Rebecca Bayrer, Rebecca Davis, Bijan Esfahani, Xan Goodman, Julia Hause, Carmen Huddleston, Deanna Johnson, Alexander Lyubechansky, Peggy Makie, Judith Mills, Claire Sharifi
Guests: Marcus Banks, Hillary Farkis and Michelle Henley
Time: 1:00pm Link to recording (WebEx software available for these meetings through Kaiser Permanente):
Format: Webex.
1. Minutes from the February 19, 2013 Business Meeting discussed – Peggy Makie
Approved as written. Rebecca Davis pointed out that Business Meeting minutes need to be reviewed at Business meetings and Executive Board Meeting minutes at Executive meetings.
Action Item: Peggy will include the February 19, 2013 minutes in the next business meeting.
2. Professional Development – Rebecca Davis
Rebecca Davis made the following motion, seconded by Carmen and passed unanimously: That we no longer pursue trying to fund the Locke Morrisey Scholarship. Instead, and in keeping with the intended use of the scholarship for students, rename the current Professional Development Grant program the Locke Morrisey Professional Development Grant. Also, add an extra $300 to the current grant funding of $1200 to bring the total available to $1500, so that one of the $300 grants can be earmarked for a student. The $1200 left would be disbursed to NCNMLG members as it is currently. Marcus Banks who was instrumental in setting up the Scholarship for Locke Morrisey agreed to the change.
• Motion approved.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Deanna Johnson
Deanna reported an increase in our savings account of $8.79 due to interest received last month, giving us a total of $78,771.69. Our checking account has $2,218.13 in it, and there is $76,553.56 in savings. Deanna has an invoice to pay and a check to deposit.
Following up from our last meeting, Deanna is finding a discrepancy between the total number of members we have and the small amount of payments received. Deanna and Raquel went over the checks coming in from Acteva and found that many time periods (5) elapsed where Acteva didn’t send Deanna checks, and yet 43 members joined NCNMLG representing $960. Deanna contacted Acteva about this and Acteva is looking into it and reporting back within the next 7-10 days.
Judith asked Rebecca Davis when NCNMLG has to send the $2000 seed money to MLA for the Quint Meeting. Rebecca reported that the Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association will set up a bank account at the end of March. Once that’s in place they’ll contact us and let us know where to send the check.
Action Items:
• Deanna will report back if and when she hears back from Acteva.
4. Increasing Revenue – Judith Weiner Mills
Judith continued a conversation from the last meeting regarding the need to increase the chapter’s revenue. Judith suggested establishing relationships with vendors who would sponsor NCNMLG events. This type of fundraising is widely-practiced by many library professional associations and non-profits, such as MLA, SLA and ALA. In the past NCNMLG also received vendor donations. Rebecca Davis suggested we ask for vendor money for NCNMLG member special events (she used an example of the University of Colorado at Boulder’s Technology Bootcamp event). Rebecca Bayrer agreed with the idea of using vendor money to offset the cost of such things as CE courses. Judith volunteered to further investigate how other library chapters practice their vendor relations and fund raising activities.
Action Item:
Deanna will look at the 990 tax form and determine how NCNMLG might be affected by accepting money from vendors for NCNMLG events.
Action Item:
Membership Committee Chair (Raquel) will send out a notice to membership 30 days before the next NCNMLG business meeting about the rationale to increase NCNMLG membership dues to $35 and inform members that there will be a vote at the next business meeting on the motion.
5. Archives – Polina Ilieva
Judith explained that record transfers should be done at end of fiscal year. Polina just created digital form to transfer records and will send it out to Executive Board members. She also requests records from past years that have not been archived. Polina described our archive collections and that some have finding aids. There is much in boxes over the years that need organizing. Polina wondered if NCNMLG could hire a project manager. We don’t have money to pay anyone. Perhaps an intern could do it. Polina would supervise the person. David W. Brown from Kaiser Permanente has ILL records from coupons (reimbursed in 2009 or 2010) that need to be preserved for six years. Bijan said he will pick up David’s records. Bijan would also like to interview David for our blog before David retires.
Action item:
• Polina will send transfer of record forms in the next few weeks to the Executive Board and the Executive Board needs to send Polina the filled out forms and records (including digital records) before the end of the fiscal year (June).
• Polina will put together a proposal for an intern and send it to Executive Board for approval.
• Bijan will coordinate with Polina and David and will pick up David’s records before March 19th and bring them to UCSF.
6. Membership Update, Survey Monkey, and Survey Monkey Guidelines- – Raquel Abad
Rebecca Davis clarified that we need to notify members that NCNMLG approved a motion to have a vote at the next business meeting regarding member dues increasing. At the time of the next business meeting we would need to send out a survey monkey to all members in order to get their vote for or against the increase.
Raquel reports a total of 146 NCNMLG members, 109 are paying members, 37 are nonpaying members (made up of students, honorary, emeritus, unemployed, and Carla Funk, MLA Director.)
Raquel has revised the Guidelines and changed #5, Upkeep. Executive Board voted to accept it and it will be put on the web.
Action Item:
• Raquel will send Chezire the Survey Monkey password for use on a locked page on the web.
• Chezire will distribute log in information to Survey Monkey through listserv.
7. Nominating Committee – Alexander Lyubechansky on behalf of Karen O’Grady
Alex reported that the Nominating Committee will have a meeting tomorrow (March 12), and then Alex and Karen will have a conference together. He will contact Judith after that.
8. Outreach Committee – Peggy Makie on behalf of Xan Goodman
Suzanne Beattie and Xan will be presenting virtually for the SJSU Spring Colloquia on Wednesday, April 24th at 6:30pm. The talk will be recorded and we’ll have a link to share. We will discuss medical librarianship from academic and hospital perspectives, skills needed to be a medical librarian, and NCNMLG.
Action Item:
Chezire will put information about the Colloquia up on our website under upcoming events.
9. Professional Development Committee – Claire Sharifi and Chezire Aclimandos
Colleague Appreciation Award using Paypal (due to Raquel’s hard work) now has a web form. This represents a streamlined approach to nominating a colleague and paying for it. Chezire, Raquel and Claire are working on making sure it works well online. The old way (using a pdf form and sending in a check) is still available, however. Claire plans to announce the Colleague Appreciation Award program through the listserv as soon as it’s all ready, probably within a week.
Judith asked if anyone had been nominated for the Ysabel Bertolucci Award for Professional Excellence. Claire reported that there has been one nomination.
Claire says the grant awards are coming out in April, and if you are interested in a grant Claire will be sending a request for proposals email soon.
Action item:
Raquel will send Chezire telephone information for Paypal, and then Chezire will add it to the chapter website .
Claire will send reminders to the listserv to nominate people for the Ysabel Bertolucci Award for Professional Excellence as the deadline isn’t for a few more weeks.
Rebecca Davis asked if anyone is going to the Chapter Council Meeting at MLA. Judith hopes we will soon have an Alternate Chapter Council member who can go to represent us, but if not then the Executive Board will have to see who will go.
Carmen wanted to clarify again that the minutes of meetings need to be reviewed at their respective meetings; in other words, business minutes at business meetings, and executive minutes at executive meetings.
Meeting adjourned at 01:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Peggy Makie, Secretary 4/8/13.