NCNMLG Business Meeting Minutes: May 24, 2013

Agenda:  Treasurer  |  Archives  |  Professional Development Committee  |  Membership Committee  |  Chapter Council  |  Outreach Committee  |  MLA Poster Presentation  |  ACRL Conference  |  Quint Chapter Meeting |

Webex Attendees:  Raquel Abad, Rebecca Bayrer, Suzanne Beattie, Nancy Crossfield, Mina Davenport, Rebecca Davis, Julia Hause, Kristine Macalalad, Michelle Henley, Carmen Huddleston, Mike Liddicoat, Peggy Makie, Beverly McCleod, Judith Mills, Annette Osenga, Claire Sharifi

Time: 1:00pm

Format: Webex.

1.  Minutes from the February 19, 2013 Business Meeting discussed Peggy Makie

Previously approved by Executive Board as written at March 11th Executive Board Meeting.  No comments at May 24th Business Meeting.

2.  Treasurer – Judith Mills for Deanna Johnson

Members discussed the budget that was provided to them previously by Deanna (see Appendix). Our balance for Savings is $76, 572.  Our total for Checking is $2,990.01.  We have some money in the Business meeting area because we haven’t spent it.  These figures do not include money we are to get back from the Internet Librarians Conference October 22-24, 2012.  Per our chapter’s agreement with Information Today, organizers of the Internet Librarian Conference, NCNMLG will get back $9 for each NCNMLG member who attended it.

Action item:

Deanna will contact Information Today to get the outstanding checks for each NCNMLG member who attended the Internet Librarian Conference in 2012.

3.  Archives – Judith Mills for Polina Illieva

Polina will stay as Archivist, but she wants someone from the Chapter to assist her to collect pertinent records from Libraries and from committee members.  Polina also reported to Judith that David W. Brown delivered archives in his possession to UCSF.  She has 4 folders from him that contain, among other things, ILL coupons.  Rebecca Davis advised us to keep a couple sheets of the coupons and destroy the rest.

Action items: 

a.  Rebecca Davis will let Polina know when she can get several boxes of NCNMLG records stored at UC Davis to her for archiving.

b.   Beverly can send a few samples of old NCNMLG letterhead stationery and envelopes to Polina for archiving, and to send some to the incoming Secretary, Amy Studer from UC Davis.

4.  Professional Development Committee – Claire Sharifi

The Mentorship program has new guidelines using MLA and MLGSCA as a template. Claire talked with Irene Lovas about an MLGSCA Mentoring program that Irene was involved with and got some good ideas on how to run ours.  A second business item discussed was the Committee let Marcus Banks know he won the Ysabel Bertolucci Award for Professional Excellence.  He won’t be at the Joint Meeting in San Diego this July, so announcing it there won’t work.  Instead, the Committee will do the presentation at the next NCNMLG business meeting that he can go to.  The last item to report is about the Professional Development Grant Award winners for the Spring – Raquel Abad and Peggy Tahir.  Raquel will use her award for MLA and Peggy will use hers for the Joint Meeting.

Action item:

Claire will send the new mentorship guidelines to the Executive Board for approval.

5.  Membership Committee – Raquel Abad

Membership and renewal drive incentive (Amazon gift card) deadline of June 1st approaching.  So far we have 38 membership renewals, 7 are emeritus (non-paying).  For those people renewing by mail, the paperwork must be received by June 1st to be eligible for the gift card drawing.  Raquel is putting together a packet of information for Mike Liddicoat who is taking over as membership chair for 2013-2014.  Regarding the motion for dues increase to $35 which would take effect in 2014-2015, 4 people in favor, 5 said no, 3 of those 5 said only raise the dues to $30.  Raquel doesn’t think this number is representative of the membership since the response number is so low.  Judith says we need 2/3rd of membership or majority for motion to pass.  Raquel will send out a Survey Monkey to gather more responses (yes/no and why not).  Once we get the feedback it’ll be discussed at our next business meeting. Rebecca Bayrer suggests sending out a follow- up survey if it’s voted down asking membership if they want an increase of $5 or $10.

Action Item:

Raquel will send out a Survey Monkey ballot for the General Membership to vote on whether or not to increase the NCNMLG annual dues from $25 to $35.

6.  Chapter Council – Rebecca Davis

The minutes of the Chapter Council meeting should be sent out to Chapter Council Representatives around the end of May.

Many chapters are having trouble getting their money back from cancelled Acteva accounts.  MLA has been working with these Chapters to try and resolve their problems with Acteva. Some chapters are switching from Acteva to a company called Wild Apricot, which is membership management software that also includes website hosting and payment processing.  MLA is willing to negotiate a group purchase of Wild Apricot if there are enough chapters interested.

The South-central Chapter won the MLA Chapter Project $500 award.  Their project, which was a two-day writing retreat, encouraged librarians to get involved in research.

Over 240 MLA attendees signed up for the round table event. The most popular topics are the EHRnd the library; embedded librarians; health literacy; integration into curriculum; library redesign; ipads in curriculum; and systematic reviews.

CE Chairs can view what CME classes have been held at all the Chapters using MLA’s CME wiki.

If a Chapter changes its bylaws, the changes need to be run by MLA first to make sure they conform to MLA practices.  An MLA task force discussed the fact that 400 MLA members didn’t renew this year – either members don’t have the money or are no longer in the profession.

Incoming MLA president Dixie Jones talked about her priorities – advocacy, ethics, research, education and mentoring, and history of MLA and its chapters.  In response to her request to questions, there was a discussion of how expensive it is to attend MLA meetings.  It was suggested that staying on college campuses or staying in lower priced hotels; or even offering a range of hotels with various prices would be helpful. Unfortunately, the planning for housing starts 4 years in advance of the event, so any changes in housing will be five years from now.

Rebecca asked the group for ideas on fund raising, and one idea was to have silent auctions.  People would bring in services to auction (not literature searches), for instance, gift cards for a massage.  This has been successful in other chapters, raising as much as $3,000.

A review of each chapter showed the following large membership numbers among some chapters: Southern has 355 members, South Central has 289, Philadelphia has 85, MLGSCA has 201, N.Y.-NJ Chapter has 172, Mid-West has 264.  We’re the second lowest Chapter size.

A big trend in libraries is that when people retire they aren’t being replaced.  An idea worth exploring – One of the Chapter’s finds out who is attending MLA for the first time and buddies them up with someone.  This is something we should consider for the Quint Meeting.  This buddy could continue as a mentor in other ways after the Quint Meeting.  Carmen thought it would be nice to have an information packet for new Chapter members.  Rebecca pointed out there is a Chapter Chair booklet available through Chapter Council (it’s on their website).  Claire asked if we should try to get the buddy program going before the Joint Meeting.  Judith mentioned that only 15 or 16 NCNMLG librarians have registered for the joint Meeting – that’s unusually low.

Action Items:

a.  Rebecca will put a link to the Chapter Council minutes from our blog.

b.   Claire will look into starting up the buddy program before the Joint Meeting.

7. Suzanne Beattie’s Recap of “What Do Science, Health and Medicine Have to Do With an MLIS?” a San Jose State University SLIS Career Colloquium presentation, April 24, 2013.

Xan Goodman organized with SJSU SLIS this event. Both Xan and Suzanne were speakers on April 24th at the SJSU SLIS Spring Career Colloquium. In her absence from the business meeting Suzanne provided the members with an outline of their presentations: Overview of Librarianship; various types of health science library jobs; qualifications needed; professional association membership and mentoring; challenges and opportunities.  Suzanne emphasized that students can often join professional library organizations without paying dues.  She also mentioned that students can have various backgrounds and contribute much to Librarianship.  In describing Library work, she alerted them that libraries are changing and librarians are not working solely in their offices, but must meet the customer where they work.  She explained the importance of marketing the library and the services Librarians offer.  Offline Suzanne and Xan made tentative future plans to do a Virtual Roadshow (with some other librarians) for different SLIS programs or for library classes though out the country describing Hospital and Academic librarians’ roles.  To view the webcat, go to and click on the webcast button on the right.

8.  MLA Poster Presentation – Suzanne Beattie and Rebecca Bayrer

Their presentation can be heard in the recording link starting at 1:10:35.  Here is the link to the poster – Link in the Chain poster.ppt

The poster represented Kaiser Permanente Libraries’ efforts to capture qualitatively as well as quantitatively their contributions to organizational missions.  We use a consistent and organized method to reflect what we have done.  The main areas we support are clinical care, education and quality.  Feedback on the quality of literature searches is requested using Survey Monkey KP Library Search Survey.pdf . In designing the survey questions we used the organizations’ language by basing them on their missions and values and goals. Rebecca reported the survey results show almost 1,000 people changed their practice due to information from the Librarians and 50% (of the 1,050 respondents) said they avoided an adverse event because of the Librarian’s research results. Physicians also reported the Librarians saved them time (and saved the organization money) by doing the research for them.  The fact that these responses come from Clinicians carries more weight when reported to Administrators in terms of the importance of Libraries/Librarians. [Great graphics for the poster came from .]  Going forward among several suggestions for change in capturing this information, the Kaiser librarians are thinking to reduce the number of surveys they request so as to counteract “Survey Burnout” from Clinicians.  Another suggestion was to condense the questions on the survey, similar to what some Irish Hospital librarians did –

9. ACRL Conference – Julia Hause

The ACRL meeting was held April 10-13 in Indianapolis, Indiana –  This conference is bigger than MLA’s.  Keynote speakers were Geoffrey Canada, Henry Rollins and Maria Hinojosa.  All three speakers commended librarians for helping the world find information.  Julia decided to go to workshops aligned with her University work assignments: Information Instruction and Information Literacy.  Julie mentioned a luncheon she went to on translational science where the topic was improving the pharmaceutical industries’ drug information and research practices.  The speaker was Bernard H. Munoz of the InnoThink Center for Research in Biomedical Innovation –

10.  Quint Chapter Meeting – Raquel Abad

First item of note is that the bank account for the Quint meeting has been set up and it’s a non-profit account.  So, that means there are no transaction fees.  The next topic of discussion was what logo to use for the meeting.  Four possible logos were reviewed.  None were chosen.  A new design will be presented at the next meeting on June 3rd.  A draft Agenda at a Glance was also discussed.  At issue was placement of the CE in one of the conference’s four days.  Nothing definite was decided on that.  All the Committee chairs have been assigned and committee descriptions are in draft form.  A survey will go out to all the Chapters asking what CE preferences people have.

11. Old Business – Judith Mills

Judith reported back on an action item discussed at a previous meeting. This was a follow-up on the question if NCNMLG’s 510 K status was in jeopardy if it provided vendor-supported activities to its members? Judith consulted with MLA and was assured that many non-profit organizations accept vendor support – MLA was one of them. Of course, any such contributions would have to be reported on the chapter’s annual tax return form to the IRS. MLA files our chapter’s annual tax return, thus this would be their responsibility. Furthermore, the Treasurer would have to provide a receipt for the vendor’s contribution.

12. Miscellaneous – Carmen Huddleston

The Joint meeting at UCSD is coming up in July. Amy Chatfield told Carmen that there are 120 people registered for it.  It’s a good deal, especially because housing is on campus.

Meeting adjourned at 3:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Peggy Makie, Secretary

Appendix:  Budget