Executive Board and Officers 2012-2013



Judith Mills




Carmen Huddleston




Past President:

Rebecca Davis




Peggy Makie




Deanna Johnson (2011-2013)


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From The President

Dear Colleagues,

I can hardly imagine a more exciting and opportunity-filled position than to be the member of Northern California & Nevada Medical Library Group and to serve as its elected president.  Our chapter has a long history that brings us the responsibility to cultivate and grow our professional success.  This year we are celebrating the 65th anniversary of NCNMLG’s establishment.  My aim in working with you closely is to thrive on being a learning organization. There will be several learning opportunities presented through the year and I hope that we can participate and benefit from them. I am proud to share with you that our members have made them possible either by teaching the course or hosting it at their university location. Notably, one option is the “Facebook and Social Media” webinar on September 19 and the Information Treasure Hunt: Supporting Evidence-Based Practice @ Your Institution, on November 30. Some other upcoming learning option is the “Internet Librarian conference and its companion training Internet@SchoolsTrack” on October 22-24 where our members can benefit a substantial discount.

Hope to see you there!

Judith Weiner Mills,  NCNMLG President

NCNMLG Business Meeting: August 1, 2012

Attendees on Conference Call:

Polina Ilieva, Karen O’Grady, Xan Goodman, Shannon Meaney, Peggy Tahir, Chezire Aclimandos, Rebecca Davis, Heidi Mortensen, Mike Liddocoat, Judith Mills, Liz Lucas, Deanna Johnson, Raquel Abad, Claire Sharifi, Anne Shew, Carmen Huddleston, Julia Hause, Rebecca Bayrer, Shannon Meaney and Peggy Makie.

Time: 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Format: The meeting was conducted via phone.


1.  Minutes from the June 21, 2012 Executive Board Meeting discussed.

Action item:

Approved with minor edits.


2.  Announcements:


  • Jobs:  UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN (LIBRARY FIELD TRAINER). The Library Field Trainer is responsible for developing an outreach and implementation plan for the dissemination of eHealth information and resources on consumer health promotion and wellness for library staff primarily in rural locations. – funded by a one-year grant.  Ability to travel throughout the state. Master of Library Information Science (MLIS) or Master of Library Science (MLS) degree from an American Library Association (ALA) accredited program strongly preferred but not required. Salary: $49,464 – $58,188. (Assistant Librarian III – Associate Librarian IV) (Appointment level and salary based on qualifications and experience). http://www.norcalherc.org/c/job.cfm?site_id=730&jb=10676857


3.  Round Table Discussion-Executive Board Members and Chapter Committees

Judith Mills, President:

Judith isresearching educational programs with CE credits or professional advancement potential from MLA for us.  Other ongoing learning options are: NCNMLG members can take courses from Infopeople http://infopeople.org/. The majority of these courses are offered at no cost.  Recently she emailed out information about a group discount to attend the Internet Librarian Conference http://www.infotoday.com/il2012/, scheduled to take place in October 22-24, in Monterey, CA. Judith secured NSCNMLG members a discount fee for the 3 day conference. The cost is $329, instead of the regular $499/person. In addition, for every Chapter member who registers NCNMLG will receive $8 back from the organizers.  Another avenue for education she is exploring is to pair up with MLGSCA to offer courses.  Also EZID, a service of the University of California Curation Center of the California Digital Library is offering a free summer webinar on how to obtain and manage long-term identifiers (DOIs and ARKs) for their digital content. Host(s): Joan Starr?Click here to register for this webinar: https://xx.readytalk.com/r/mi0u6hx3ns3h


Action item:

Judith will inform NCNMLG of future professional learning opportunities throughout the year.


Carmen Huddleston, Vice-President/President-Elect:

Carmen mentioned that she would work on organizing meeting places for the chapter.


Chesire Aclimandos: Communications committee

Chezire Aclimandos volunteered to be the new Committee Chair after the June 21 meeting.  Chezire described the missions of the various communication venues- the Blog should have dynamic content and serves as a newsletter.  The Website should have basic information.  The Listserv should contain official communications.  Facebook is a casual, social medium.  Discussed the need to archive past NCNMLG content.  Decision followed to archive blog and website.  Chris Stave at Stanford is in charge of the NCNMLG listserv and he needs to be contacted to confirm the listserv is archived.

Rebecca Davis and Chezire will put content on the new website; Judith will also assist Chezire with the web.  Some information from the old website will be moved over to the new one.  The new website will be ready at the end of August or September.  Polina needs to get information from old website for archiving although Chris Stave is only person who can edit old website.  The old one has to go down by the end of the year.

Discussion ensued about the need to password protect certain website pages (for instance, the page to the minutes).  Is there a need to use a password to get on the website and also a password to get on a page in the website?  Chezire and Rebecca will explore this.  Chezire will upload the minutes to the webpage.

Another discussion revolved around the need to push information to members instead of passively waiting for members to sign up for and check the blog.  On behalf of Michelle it was mentioned to use Word Press it’s possible to send reminders to members to look at the blog when the blog is updated.

Action Items:

  • Chezire and Chris will provide information to Polina to archive the old website’s content.
  • Chezire and Rebecca will explore the options to make some of he new website’s information password protected.
  • Chezire will upload the previous meeting’s Minutes to the new website.

Judith isresearching educational programs with CE credits or professional advancement potential from MLA for us.  NCNMLG members can take courses from Infopeople http://infopeople.org/ at no cost.  Recently she emailed out information about a group discount to attend the Internet Librarian Conference.  For every Chapter member that registers for it the Chapter will get $8 back.  Another avenue for education she is exploring is to pair up with MLGSCA to offer courses.  Also EZID, a service of the University of California Curation Center of the California Digital Library is offering a free summer webinar on how to obtain and manage long-term identifiers (DOIs and ARKs) for their digital content.


Shannon Meaney, Communication Committee:


Shannon is hoping to get people more engaged in Facebook conversation.  She is asking members to post more, especially outreach events planned.


Xan Goodman, Chair Outreach Committee:

Xan Goodman volunteered to be Outreach Committee Chair.


Raquel Abad, Membership Committee:

Raquel plans to clean up the membership list to remove members who have not paid dues.  The dues cover membership from June 1 to May 31.  If members don’t pay before October they are no longer members and will no longer be on the listserv. We plan on purchasing Survey Monkey as an added value reason to join NCNMLG.  In future, members delinquent on dues would not be able to use Survey Monkey anymore. The committee will send out reminders about dues.

Discussion surrounded the use of a password to protect access to Survey Monkey on the website.  Mike offered to be the guardian of the password.  He would use the updated listserv list every year (after October).

Action item:

Mike to check with Survey Monkey about the purchase of and changing the password every year.


Claire Sharifi, Professional Development Committee:

Claire described three ongoing missions the Committee has:  Grants, Colleague Appreciation, and Professional Excellence.  Then there’s the new Locke Morrisey Scholarship (for students only and be funded at $1500).

Applicants (NCNMLG members) can apply for the grant money in early November.  Discussion ensued regarding funding of all the missions.  Deanna stressed that money not be taken out of the general fund as that money is needed for joint meetings.  Taking money from grant pool or from the Colleague Appreciation pool was discussed and dismissed.

Heidi (Publicity Committee Chair for So. Cal. Chapter), suggested publicizing grant/scholarship on our Facebook account.  Chezire wants the information for our website, too.  Chezire reported (for Shannon, who is in charge of our Facebook account) that our Facebook hit rate went up 700% this week.  Shannon later suggested we frequently post information there, and include information about planned NCNMLG events.


Action items: 

  • Claire will send Chezire the finalized grant application document to go on the website.
  • Judith, Claire and Chezire formed an Endowment Task Force formed to strategize how to fund the grants and/or the scholarship funds.
  • Heidi will send Amy Chatsfield (So. Cal. Chapter) contact information to those who are interested serving on the NCNMLG/MLGSC Joint Publicity Committee.


Anne Shew, Chair Credentialing Committee:

Anne reported that the Credentialing Committee has not met yet.


3. Peggy Tahir: EBM Workshop

Peggy Tahir reported that with the NCNMLG Board’s approval and Alan Carr’s Acting Associate Director of the NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region cooperation this year UCSF will host the RML Evidence-based medicine workshop.

The date is November 30 (Friday) 2012. The exact time TBA. There will be a catered lunch. The event/lunch will be free to NCNMLG members, however the chapter will publicize the event.  The room at UCSF holds 48 people.  It was suggested that first preference should be given to NCNMLG members due to the limited room size.  Later in the year there will be a follow up CE course held in Southern California.

Action item:

Peggy Tahir will inform the Board with further developments.


Quad chapter meeting proposal:

Rebecca reported that the Pacific Northwest Chapter wants to join in the Quad Meeting in Denver.  This would make it a 5 Chapters meeting with more learning opportunities.

New Business:


  • Next meeting could be at Stanford at the Southern Palo Alto branch or at Lane Library.
  • A survey form will be sent out about good dates to hold 1 more business meeting this year, and 2 executive committee meetings next year, as well as good dates for other meetings.
  • A discussion regarding whether to start our own Linked in account for job searching resulted in a positive decision.


Action item:

The Communications Committee will look into this.  Rebecca will send information to the listserv and the blog.




  • Peggy Makie discussed some of the highpoints of the Special Libraries Association Conference.  The CE class on Website Analytics and Usability covered Google Analytics.  Sessions that she particularly liked were on Webscale Discovery, Turning Information into Insight with Mary Ellen Bates, Knowledge Management Across the Healthcare Spectrum, and 60 Apps in 60 Minutes.
  • Chezire asked for pictures from the Executive Board members so she would post those on the chapter’s website. Not everyone agreed to it. Instead, it was suggested that members who have LinkedIn accounts would send their URLs to Chezire.


Meeting adjourned at 12:00pm, PDT.

Respectfully submitted by Peggy Makie, Secretary 8/14/2012.




Sandra Bekke has volunteered her support to the Communication Committee.  Shannon and Sandra will be working on the chapter’s LinkedIn account.