Category Archives: From the President

Happy Holidays to you All!

Stephen Kiyoi

Stephen Kiyoi


I want to wish you all a joyous holiday season with your friends and loved ones! I hope you all have time to pause and reflect on what this past year has meant for you, your libraries, and organizations.

This has been an eventful year for our chapter. A few highlights from this past year: Jennifer Dinalo and Rachel Stark hosted dinner meetups in the South Bay and Sacramento. Julia Hause at the University of Touro University Nevada hosted a series of MLA Webinars on new and emerging roles for health sciences librarians. Suzanne Beattie and Eve Melton hosted our visit to the new Continue reading

NCNMLG: Invitation to get involved!

-posted for Stephen Kiyoi

Stephen Kiyoi

Stephen Kiyoi

Hi all,

If you haven’t already done so, please consider applying for a leadership position within NCNMLG. Whether you’re a student, a new librarian, or seasoned veteran – there are plenty of ways to get involved.

Personally, I can say that serving in NCNMLG has been a fantastic opportunity to build a professional network, gain leadership experience, and – in a small way – contribute to the continued vitality of our profession.

This survey lists all the positions you can a Continue reading

Welcome Message from Stephen Kiyoi, NCNMLG President

Stephen Kiyoi

Stephen Kiyoi

Hi all – I’m excited to be working with all of you in NCNMLG!

For those of you I haven’t met, let me briefly introduce myself – I am currently the Library Director at the UCSF/San Francisco General Hospital. In that role, I oversee the library’s activities and programs, recruit and manage staff, and lead grants for patient education, archives, and research. Continue reading

Ysabel Bertolucci Professional Excellence Award

Marcus Banks receiving the Ysabel Bertolucci's Award

Marcus Banks receiving the Ysabel Bertolucci’s Professional Excellence Award

It’s getting to be that time of year when we turn our clocks back and try to get as much done during the daylight hours. It’s also the time of year to gather with family and friends, including fellow medical librarians. We had our second business meeting at Kaiser in Oakland on September 30th . Thank you to Raquel Abad and Suzanne Beattie for arranging the location. We had much to discuss, but the main event was the presentation of the Ysabel Bertolucci Professional Excellence Award. Formerly known a Continue reading

New Year

CarmenHuddlestonDear NCNMLG Members,

Happy New Year!  Summer marks the beginning of the new fiscal and membership year for NCNMLG.  Welcome to those of you who have joined for the first time, thank you for joining NCNMLG and adding to our growing number of members.  Thank you also to our returning members who continue to support the growth of medical librarianship in Northern California and Nevada.  Continue reading