New Year

CarmenHuddlestonDear NCNMLG Members,

Happy New Year!  Summer marks the beginning of the new fiscal and membership year for NCNMLG.  Welcome to those of you who have joined for the first time, thank you for joining NCNMLG and adding to our growing number of members.  Thank you also to our returning members who continue to support the growth of medical librarianship in Northern California and Nevada. 

While on the topic, a huge ‘thank you’  to Judith Mills and Rebecca Davis on all the work they have done with NCNMLG.  Both have done a tremendous job these past two years, we are fortunate to have had them on board to navigate the group.  Judith will continue serving on the board as past-president, offering her guidance and infinite energy in keeping us abreast of new professional opportunities for medical librarians. Thank you also to all out-going and new board members who keep NCNMLG running.

The Joint Meeting with MLGSCA will be happening July 24 – 26 in San Diego.  The conference committee has worked hard organizing the event which will be held on the beautiful UC San Diego campus.  If you’re still on the fence about attending, they are still taking registrations.  The website is:

The theme of the 2013 Joint Meeting  ‘Waves of Change, Oceans of Opportunity’ well describes the current state of medical librarianship.   This past year has brought disturbing news of medical library reductions and closures.   This makes membership all the more important.  As a group, we can meet to discuss where the new opportunities are and provide support to one another.

Thank  you,
Carmen Huddleston, MLIS
NCNMLG President 2013-2014