I applied to MLA’s AHIP program this week thanks to a professional development grant I received from NCNMLG. I applied at the Provisional level and I’m looking forward to completing the requirements for the Member level. I feel this is an excellent opportunity for me to increase my skills in medical librarianship. When I started working in a medical library in 2009 I was hired as paraprofessional staff, eager to become a full-fledged librarian (I already had my MLIS). I did get promoted to a faculty position early in 2013 but I was still not a medical or health sciences librarian. Even so I was very interested in joining MLA and becoming a part of AHIP. Finally in August of 2013 I became the Health Sciences Librarian at the main library on our campus, University of Nevada, Reno. I became a member of MLA and NCNMLG but couldn’t afford the tuition for the AHIP program so I feel really fortunate to be able to finally join. Thank you NCNMLG for your support!
ALA Spectrum Institute Presentations: a post from Professional Development Grant awardee Rachel Keiko Stark
Rachel is one of the recipients of the Spring 2015 NCNMLG Professional Development Grant. Rachel will use her grant award to partially fund attendance at ALA, and she will be participating in a number of presentations that are part of the Spectrum Institute.
The Spectrum Scholarship program was created to assist ethnically and racially diverse students in graduate library programs with an interest in leadership positions within the library profession, with the goal of helping to best position libraries and other institutions who serve culturally diverse communities. The Spectrum Institute is three days long, held in conjunction with ALA Annual and highlights leadership through a variety of programs.
During my time at the Spectrum Institute, I really enjoyed the panel sessions as it allowed me to learn more about the profession I wanted to enter from people who were currently librarians and provided an opportunity to speak with the panelists and ask questions in a more comfortable environment. The panels are led by people who have received Spectrum Scholarships in the past and cover a range of topics designed to help students prepare for their careers outside of school.
As a new librarian, I reflected on what I wish I had known before I left school and designed a panel based on my experiences interviewing at a number of libraries. As I job hunted, I learned that each type of library had very different application and interviewing expectations and that if I known what they expected before when I applied I could have done a better job. I hope that this panel will allow the current Spectrum Scholars to gain knowledge that will help them succeed when they apply for jobs. I am excited to discuss my experiences interviewing for academic and hospital positions, as this not only helps students prepare for these types of positions, but also highlights the diversity of our profession. I am also looking forward to hearing from the professionals I’ve recruited for my panel. The head of youth services at the Sacramento Public Library will discuss how a manager views the application and hiring process, a senior librarian for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation will discuss the application and hiring process for California Prison Libraries, and a fellow scholarship recipient who will discuss the application and hiring process at the San Francisco Public Library. I am incredibly grateful to all of my panel participants and I hope that they have as much fun as I will during the panel.
I was also invited to serve on another panel for the Spectrum Institute. This panel will be discussing mentoring. I was incredibly fortunate to find an informal mentor who helped me tremendously during my schooling and continues to support me as a new professional. I have also started mentoring in an informal manner and will discuss this experience. While I very much enjoy my formal mentorships, I will highlight the benefits of informal mentoring, including getting to pick your mentor/mentee and the ease of my informal relationships compared to my formal mentoring relationships. All members of this panel are Spectrum Scholars from previous years and we can speak to some of the issues that are unique to librarians of color as well as the broader issues of mentoring in our profession.
I hope that participating in these panels will allow the current Spectrum Scholarships to be better prepared for when they enter the profession and I am also hoping to interest them in Health Sciences Librarianship. Many library students I’ve met are unaware of hospital librarians, and many of the students I’ve spoken to assume that they have to have a medical background before they can apply for those positions. I look forward to not only discussing the application and interview process for the health sciences, but also encouraging people with a board range of background to consider Health Sciences Librarianship. At the Spectrum Institute I attended, no Health Sciences Librarians presented and no Health Sciences organization tabled for us. I hope that my presentations will encourage people who might not have been interested to at least consider Health Sciences as a career option and I look forward to helping provide future Librarians with tools that will help them succeed in their chosen profession.
NCNMLG Executive Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes, March 31, 2015
Agenda: Joint Meeting Banking Arrangements | Bylaw Reminders | Communications Committee Chair | Funding for Refreshments Continue reading
Report from the Quint Chapter Meeting in Denver, October 12-16, 2014
This year’s Joint Meeting was a great success. It had excellent speakers and programs.
Dr. Claire Pomeroy was the first plenary speaker and spoke about how to create a healthier world by addressing the social determinants of health. She said that we have a value problem in health, that there is a Continue reading
NCNMLG Executive Board Meeting Minutes, December 19, 2014
Present on conference call: Michelle Rachal, Michelle Henley, Stephen Kiyoi, Amy Studer, Claire Sharifi, Julia Hause, Jennifer Dinalo, Carmen Huddleston, Xan Goodman, Judith Mills
Location: ReadyTalk conference call.
Meeting called to order by Stephen Kiyoi at 2:07pm.
Potential NCNMLG/MLGSCA Merger — Stephen Kiyoi
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the potential merger of NCNMLG/MLGSCA.
The FAQ (follows minutes) summarizes at a high level the anticipated benefits, process, and questions related to the potential merger.
Stephen asked meeting attendees for questions and comments related to merger and / or FAQs in order to identify anything else that needs to be considered before approaching MLGSCA.
Questions raised:
- When will there be a formal timeline or committee identified? According to Stephen, it is hard to know exactly how long it will take. See process part of FAQ for steps. Timeline and revision of the FAQ would need to come out of conversations with MLGSCA.
- Would there still be opportunities for NCNMLG members to participate? Per Stephen, these details will likely be worked out in committee.
- Would a merger coincide with chapter elections? Probably timeline will mean that NCNMLG will hold elections in Winter 2015.
After discussion, Michelle Henley moved to initiate discussions with MLGSCA with an intention to pursue a merger. Seconded: Stephen Kiyoi. Executive Board voted unanimously to approve the motion. So moved.
Judith joined the meeting after the vote and posed the question: What is MLA’s take on the merger? Stephen responded that MLA is a separate entity from NCNMLG and their role is to share the processes / experiences that other chapters have gone through as they have merged. Judith asked re: timing for the merge and impact on paying bills. As time frame is yet to be determined, Stephen advised shorter time frame for renewals of Chapter subscriptions to services such as SurveyMonkey..
Meeting adjourned at 2:32 pm by Stephen Kiyoi.
12/18/2014 — Draft minutes posted for comment by Amy Studer, NCNMLG Secretary.
Why should we consider a merger?
NCNMLG is a small chapter with rapidly declining membership. We have 64 paid members, while larger chapters such as MLGSCA have more than 200. Our membership has declined about 40% each year for the past two years. This places an increased burden on our members to volunteer for leadership positions and carry out the business of the chapter.
What’s the benefit of merging?
A larger, combined chapter would mean more professional colleagues, more connection to professional and educational opportunities, and a wider pool of potential leaders. Both chapters could also build on their history of collaborating to host the annual Joint Meeting.
What has happened so far?
The merger has been discussed at the NCNMLG Executive Board and Business Meetings. We have also collected documentation on the 2009 Pittsburgh/MAC chapter merger. Our President and Vice President discussed the idea with MLGSCA leaders Kathleen Carlson (President) and Danielle Linden (Vice President), and Ray Naegle from MLA.
What’s the process for the merger decision?
The decision to merge chapters involves several votes. Each will be accompanied by an update of this FAQ, along with sufficient time for comment and discussion among members. These steps include:
- NCNMLG Executive Board Vote
- MLGSCA Advisory Council Vote
- Member of both Chapters Vote
- Final vote by MLA Chapter Council
And for the merger, if approved?
If approved, leadership in both chapters will participate in the process. Broadly:
- MLGSCA amends their name and bylaws to incorporate NCNMLG region/members
- NCNMLG dis-incorporates and disburses funds to the new combined chapter
- Leadership and Committees of both chapters meet to combine and/or coordinate their activities
What potential issues have been identified?
- Need for equity for NCNMLG members/ leadership in a new combined chapter
- Need for continuation of NCNMLG scholarships/awards
- Potential duplication of chapter officers/committee chairs
- Increased competitiveness for leadership positions
- Need for continued administrative/financial support for NCNMLG local activities