Applications are now being accepted for MLA’s Rising Star Program! Applications are due November 1, 2013.

Applications are now being accepted for MLA’s Rising Star Program!
The MLA Rising Star program has been developed for MLA members who are interested in attaining leadership roles in MLA but who have not yet become active at a national level. The one-year leadership development program matches each Rising Star with a mentor in a curriculum that includes:
learning how MLA succeeds through the volunteer efforts of its members;
the roles of the MLA Board and staff; and
project management skills applied to an actual MLA project.
Application and information can be found online at:

Applications are due November 1, 2013.

Also, if your chapter, section, or committee is interested in submitting a project for the program, the host/mentor application can be found online at:

Host/Mentor applications are also due November 1, 2013.

Cynthia L. Henderson, MILS, AHIP
Executive Director
Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library
Howard University
501 W Street, NW
Washington, DC 20059
202.884.1723 voice
202.884.1733 fax