Agenda: June 24, 2013 Meeting Minutes | Quint Meeting Writing Retreat Funding Contribution | Outreach Committee | Friends of NLM | Program Planning | Schedule of Meetings | CE Committee | Quint Meeting |
In-person: Raquel Abad, Chezire Aclimandos, Suzanne Beattie, Carmen Huddleston, Amy Studer
By phone: Julia Hause, Deanna Johnson, Mike Liddicoat, Judith Mills
Time: 10:30 am – 11:30 pm
Location: Kaiser Center Tower; 300 Lakeside Drive; Room 2842; Oakland, CA; 94612
Meeting recording: None.
Meeting called to order at 10:45 (approx.) by Carmen Huddleston
Old Business
1. Minutes from the June 24, 2013 Executive Board Transition Meeting – Amy Studer
Minutes were approved without corrections (moved by Amy; seconded by Raquel).
New Business
2. Quint Meeting Writing Retreat Funding Contribution — Raquel Abad
Is our chapter interested in contributing funds for this retreat at the Quint Meeting? The writing retreat has been very popular in the past and is being organized by the South Central Chapter of MLA. They are looking for a splitting of costs from other chapters:
10 attendees / chapter = $600 / chapter
The price includes a two day program, food, handouts, and possibly ground transportation.
The price does not include airfare or housing.
The group discussed and came up with some questions for Raquel to bring back to the Quint Meeting Steering Committee:
- What is going to be presented?
- Will there be additional charges for attendees?
- For this popular workshop, who decides who gets to attend and what are the criteria?
Action item: Raquel will find out more information. NCNMLG Executive Board will vote by email, if necessary.
3. Outreach Committee Report — Julia Hause
Do we want to purchase an NCNMLG table cover to be used for outreach events? Xan Goodman provided a document with vendor quotes for a table cloth (see Appendix A ).
In principle, the group agreed that purchasing a table cloth for this purpose was a good idea. Discussion included some questions and observations about particulars:
- Suzanne spoke of benefit of a full sized table cloth in order to hide supplies under the table.
- Questions: how do you launder, what is the fabric?
- Chezire suggested a different approach with a runner that goes on top of a plain table cloth. A runner may be less expensive to purchase and clean.
Action item: Julia & Xan will do some more investigating various options and vendors, including price. They will report back to the Executive Board.
4. Friends of NLM – Carmen Huddleston
Is the chapter interested in providing financial support to the Friends of the National Library of Medicine? We received an invitation to donate, along with an invitation to the FNLM Gala Event on the east coast (see Appendices B & C). The invitations arrived just before the event date, which is now passed. Carmen’s feedback from group members was that $100 might be an appropriate donation amount. Judith suggested that we wait until next year to donate on the part of the chapter because the gala has already passed. In the meantime, she recommended that individuals donate if they are so moved. Judith offered to send the Individual Membership Form to anyone who wanted to send donations to the NLM.
Carmen moved that we NOT donate $100 to the Friends of the National Library of Medicine this year. The motion was seconded by Raquel. There was a unanimous vote in favor of the motion.
Action Item: Carmen will ask FNLM to notify us next year with plenty of lead time prior to the gala honoring donors.
5. Program Planning — Carmen Huddleston
Carmen discussed NCNMLG program planning for remainder of 2013-2014 year. From the email member survey that was sent out on September 15th, members reported that they were interested in attending programs about:
- library closures
- writing
- copyright
Carmen also brought up Judith’s past suggestion about the possibility of vendor support for programming. Judith stated that if there is any interest from the Exec. Board members, she is willing to explore the possibility further, cautioning that it is important to understand what the vendor’s role and expectations are.
Judith reported that there are two different opportunities. As a follow-up to the Spring 2013 training course that she arranged with the NLM Training Center there is a new TOXNET class. It is entitled: “Discovering TOXNET: From Paracelsus to Nanotechnology” and offered from October 21 – November 5, 2013. Members can earn 4-8 MLA CE credits by completing the training. In addition, an all-day in person TOXNET course will be taught by the NLM Training Center in 2014 at UCSF. If interested, members should register at:
Raquel brought up the idea of providing MLA continuing education units as part of programming.
Carmen suggested planning a program on marketing library services to help prevent library closures at a future meeting, which led to a discussion of future meeting plans.
6. Schedule of meetings for the remainder of 2013-14 — Raquel Abad
The group discussed timing for the next meeting of the NCNMLG Executive Board and the NCNMLG Business Meeting. The hope will be to include a program on marketing library services to help prevent library closures. The group discussed whether to hold a program in late November or December, or to wait until January 2013.
Action item: Raquel will send out a survey via email about scheduling the next meetings and programming.
7. CE Committee for the Quint Meeting – Judith Mills
Judith thanked everyone for submitting the surveys about the continuing education programming at the Quint Chapter Meeting. Respondents consisted of mostly academic and hospital librarians from all the regions of MLA that are participating in the Quint Meeting.
Four major points emerged from the survey responses:
- Members are interested in technology and computer education;
- Members are interested in embedded librarianship;
- Clinical training;
- Only 1/3 of respondents said they may attend the Quint Chapter Meeting; 2/3 do not plan to attend; and,
- $300-500 for continuing education was reported to be too expensive.
Judith asked the Board to consider making the Quint Chapter Meeting’s attendance financially feasible to members. She is advocating to the Quint Chapter Steering Committee that virtual attendance at CME be an option. Chezire suggested that for people who are paying for CME, the CME content should be offered by webinar in addition is to in-person.
8. Membership Committee Announcement – Mike Liddicoat
Mike reported that we now have 75 paid members.
Meeting adjourned by Carmen Huddleston at 11:36 am
Minutes respectfully submitted by Amy Studer, NCNMLG Secretary
Appendix A: Outreach Committee Table Cover
Appendix B: 2013 FNLM Awards Gala Invite
Appendix C: FNLM Awards Gala RSVP [correspondence and forms]