Agenda: Minutes from July 30, 2013 Business Meeting | Treasurer’s Report | Professional Development Committee | Membership Committee | NCNMLG Post Office Box |
In-person: Raquel Abad, Chezire Aclimandos, Rebecca Bayrer, Geri Bodeker, Mina Davenport, Kay Deeney, Nancy Dickenson, Hillary Farkas, Michelle Henley, Carmen Huddleston, Jean Johnson, Stephen Kiyoi, Gillian Kumagai, Mike Liddicoat, Edgar Lopez, Peggy Makie, Beverly McLeod, Claire Sharifi, and Marilyn Tinsley
By phone: Xan Goodman, Julia Hause, Ana Macias, Judith Mills, Amy Studer
Time: 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Location: Hoover Pavilion; Stanford Hospital & Clinics: 211 Quarry Road; Room 208; Palo Alto, CA 94304
Ready Talk Conference Call: 866-740-1260; Access Code: 7343870
Meeting followed a panel discussion co-sponsored by NNLM PSR and NCNMLG: Hospital Libraries – New Connections
Meeting called to order at 12:35 pm by Carmen Huddleston
Old Business
1. Minutes from the September 30, 2013 Business Meeting – Amy Studer
Chezire requested a correction to New Business item #7. The Joint Meeting is going to be held in Winter (January-February) 2016.
Minutes were approved with the above correction. (Moved by Claire Sharifi; Seconded by Judith Mills)
2. Treasurer’s Report January 2014 – Deanna Johnson
The Treasurer’s Report was postponed until the NCNMLG Executive Board meeting in two weeks. Deanna is out on jury duty.
3. Professional Development Committee – Claire Sharifi
a. Fall Professional Development Grants & Locke Morissey Grant:
Claire announced that the NCNMLG Professional Development Grant for a student is awarded to Jennifer Dinalo, a new NCNMLG member who works at Mountain View Public Library and is a student at San Jose State University (SJSU).
The NCNMLG Professional Development Grant is awarded to Amy Studer at UC Davis.
The Locke Morrisey Professional Development Award for a student is awarded to Mira Geffner, a student at SJSU who works at Breast Health Resources (BHR), which offers consumer health information. Carmen reports that the BHR position is a new position, which is welcome news in this time of hospital library closings and lay-offs.
The NCNMLG Professional Development Grants are offered twice per year (fall and spring). Locke Morrissey Professional Development Award is offered once per year. For this Fall’s awards, there were three applicants for three awards, with all awardees seeking support for attendance at MLA 2014. We encourage people to apply for the awards. Judith inquired if there was a plan that the grant recipients would write an article for the chapter’s blog/website? Claire confirmed that they would do so.
b. To facilitate the process of applying for professional development awards, there is a new form on the website. Many thanks to Kristine Macalalad for creating the form.
c. We are currently seeking nominations for the Isabel Bertolucci Award for Professional Excellence and the Colleague Appreciation Program. Nominations can be submitted on the website.
4. Membership Committee Report — Mike Liddicoat
Mike reports that we have 128 members; 86 are paid members; and 42 are non-paid. There are six student members.
There are 28 members from previous years who have not renewed. Mike has contacted them in an effort to increase renewals without much success. He will continue to work on it.
Xan Goodman and Mike are planning an outreach event at El Camino Hospital in April, an afternoon reception.
New Business
5. NCNMLG PO Box – Carmen Huddleston
We no longer have someone to pick up and forward NCNMLG mail at the post office in Berkeley. Laurie Bagley and Bette Anton have served NCNMLG in this capacity for years, but now are unable to continue (due to retirement and layoff).
Many thanks to Laurie and Bette for their years of service.
Going forward, NCNMLG will need someone to check the post office box once every two weeks to once a month and forward mail to the appropriate person (most typically the Treasurer).
The group discussed that it is complicated to change a PO Box address, so the initial strategy will be to see if someone in the Berkeley area is able to perform this task.
Judith asked of we know when the Berkeley PO box subscription ends. In case the Berkeley P.O. Box location needed to be closed because no NCNMLG members would volunteer to continue picking up the mail, Judith offered to open a new P.O. Box in the South Bay and get the chapter’s mail on a regular basis.
Action items:
- Carmen will ask Deanna when subscription ends.
- Mike will look through directory list to identify are any Berkeley residents in the membership.
6. Joint meeting – Chezire Aclimandos
Claire Sharifi has graciously agreed to co-chair the Winter 2016 NCNMLG Joint Meeting. Claire and Chezire will serve as co-chairs.
7. Announcements from the RML – Kay Deeney
a. Southern California Electronic Resources Licensing Consortium (SCERLC) is seeking volunteers for focus group.
b. As of May 1, we are starting year four of the RML contract. NLM will put out an RFI for next contract. Please respond to them and let them know what you value in the RML and what you would like to see going forward.
c. Professional Development Opportunities: UCSF will host PubMed for Trainers and ToxNet and Beyond trainings on February 26-27. PubMed for Trainers requires participation in a several week long on-line course starting at the beginning of February.
d. Kay announced that on January 22nd, Alan Carr and Kelly Hamm from the Pacific Southwest Region are presenting Health Happens in Libraries: Health Information Resources for Library Staff on WebJunction.
Questions followed about how PSR, NCNMLG and MLA are helping spread the word about the Affordable Care Act. Kay responded that the IMLS has provided a grant to WebJunction to provide training for public libraries about the ACA. Many public libraries are hosting ACA navigators to assist people in enrolling in health insurance policies under the ACA. In addition, the RMLs have created webpages with information resources about the ACA.
8. Thanks to today’s presenters — Carmen Huddleston
Carmen thanked today’s presenters of the panel discussion Hospital Libraries – New Connections: Geri Bodeker, Nancy Dickenson, and Peggy Makie
Meeting adjourned by Carmen Huddleston at 1:04.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Amy Studer, Secretary.
Draft: January 27, 2014. Approved: April 16, 2014