NCNMLG Executive Board Meeting Minutes: June 24, 2013

Agenda:  Minutes from April 15, 2013  |  Treasurer’s Report  |  Transition of Executive Board and Committees  |  Membership Committee  |  Joint Meeting–San Diego July 2013  |  Donation to MLA Ysabel Bertolucci Scholarship  |  Professional Development  |


WebEx:  Amber Carter, Xan Goodman, Michelle Henley, Julia Hause, Peggy Makie, Beverly McLeod, Judith Mills, and Carrie Walsh.

In person:  Raquel Abad, Chezire Aclimandos, Mina Davenport, Rebecca Davis, Carmen Huddleston, Deanna Johnson, Mike Liddicoat, and Amy Studer.

Time:  10 am

Location:  Shields Library at UC Davis and remote access via WebEx

Link to recording (WebEx software available for this meeting through Kaiser Permanente):

Meeting called to order at 10:10 am by Judith Mills.

1.  Minutes from the April 15, 2013 Executive Board Meeting discussed – Judith Mills

Approved with the following amendment:  For item #7, add “Abad” as the last name for Raquel.

Action item:  Amy to amend the April 15th minutes and post to web blog.

2. Treasurer’s Report – Deanna Johnson

Current checking:      $   2,560.01

Current savings         $76,582.43

Total:                          $79,142.44

Deanna reported that all anticipated bills for FY 2012-13 are paid with the exception of $2,000 to support the Quint Meeting, which will be recouped from the Quint meeting in October 2014 after all the expenses are deducted.  Also, there are likely to be a few additional membership dues payments in the PayPal account before the end of the fiscal year June 30th.

Deanna presented a proposed budget for FY 2013-14 (see Appendix A).   Discussion about the proposed budget followed:

a.  Judith noted that the proposed budget was about $2,000 in the red, reflecting the expense of the Quint Meeting.  Rebecca asked how this relates to past years.  Deanna reported that the expense from the Quint Meeting will hopefully be recovered after the meeting occurs in October 2014.

b.  Deanna asked if the group wanted to continue with (and budget for) the chance to win a $50 gift card for early membership renewal.  The group generally agreed with adding this item to the budget.

c.  Rebecca requested that the following budget items be modified:

 CHANGE “Prof Dev Awards”  TO “Locke Morrissey Professional Development Grant”

CHANGE amount of Locke Morrissey Professional Development Grant FROM (4 x $300) TO (5 x $300), for a total budget item of $1,500.00.  (According to Rebecca, there are to be four grants for practicing librarians and one grant for a student.)

CHANGE “Ysabel Bertolucci” TO “Ysabel Bertolucci Professional Excellence Award”

Action item:  Deanna to update budget to reflect the above changes.

d.  Judith asked if there was a plan for additional fundraising that should be included in the FY 2013-14 budget.  Carmen reported that there are no plans at this time.

3.  Transition of the Executive Board and Committees – Judith Mills

Judith expressed her thanks for the work of the 2012-13 Executive Board and Committee members.  She welcomed the 2013-14 Executive Board and Committee members:

President:  Carmen Huddleston

Vice-President/President-Elect:  Raquel Abad

Past President:  Judith Mills

Secretary:  Amy Studer

Treasurer:  Deanna Johnson (2012-2014)

Chapter Council Representative:  Julia Hause (2011-2014)

Chapter Council Alternative:  Mina Davenport

 Nominee to the MLA Nominating Committee:  Stephen Kiyoi

Bylaws/Nominating/Election Committee:         

Heidi Mortensen(Elected Chair)

Suzanne Beattie (Member)

Carrie Walsh (Member)

Communications Committee:

Chezire Aclimandos (Chair, Webmaster & Blog Editor)

Sandra Brekke (LinkedIn Coordinator)

Bijan Esfahani (Blog Editor)

Polina Ilieva (Archivist)

Shannon Meaney (Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn Coordinator)

Chris Stave (Listserv Administrator)

Terry Henner (Member)

Sara Pimental (Member)

Membership Services:

Mike Liddicoat (Chair)

Annette Osenga (Member)


Xan Goodman (Chair)

Peggy Tahir (PSRML representative)

Julia Hause (Member)

Professional Development:

Claire Sharifi (Chair)

Rebecca Bayrer (Member)

Jacqueline Wilson (Member)

Management of the meeting transferred from Judith Mills to Carmen Huddleston.

4.      Membership Committee – Raquel Abad

86 total members so far for 2013-14:   52 paying members, 34 emeritus members.  Members will be in arrears after July 1st.

Discussion followed about patterns of dues payment in past years:  Members are accustomed to paying in July, August or September.  This year there has been a push to collect dues by July 1st for coming year.  Raquel plans to send out another membership reminder in the last week of June.

Raquel presented the issue of a few members paying twice in one year because they lose track of having paid.  We have been offering members who overpay three options:  (1) refund; (2) apply to next year’s dues; or, (3) donate the extra dues payment to one of our professional development funds.   Refunds are a possible concern when members pay via PayPal because we refund more money than we actually receive.  PayPal charges $0.85 fee per $25 dues payment.  The overpayment problem in PayPal was encountered by two members in 2012-13.

Discussion followed with a general agreement that it is important to continue to offer a refund as one of three options for dues overpayment.

Rebecca asked if members are aware of the consequences of losing membership benefits as a result of not paying dues by July 1st.  Raquel has included this in a targeted email to non-renewing members.

Chezire suggested membership in as another possible NCNMLG membership benefit. is a tech/software training resource.

 5.     NCNMLG Business Meeting at the Joint Meeting:  San Diego in July Raquel Abad

 Raquel led discussion about the plans for the NCNMLG Business Meeting at the Joint Meeting in July.  Raquel will be in attendance for NCNMLG Executive Board representation.   According to Rebecca, the NCNMLG Business Meeting generally lasts one hour and is the best attended NCNMLG Business Meeting of the year.  A room will be provided, but the organizers will need to know that a speaker phone will be required for remote attendees.

Action item:  Arrange speaker phone with organizers by Rebecca.

 6.     Donation to MLA Ysabel Bertolucci Scholarship — Carmen Huddleston

 MLA has established a scholarship in honor of long-term NCNMLG member and leader Ysabel Bertolucci.  Carmen led the discussion of whether and how much should NCNMLG contribute to the MLA Ysabel Bertolucci Scholarship Fund.  The proposed budget for 2013-14 does not include this item.

Judith suggested that NCNMLG Executive Board survey the membership via Survey Monkey about whether and how much to donate in light of the fact that membership dues are increasing for next year.  After discussion, Judith moved that NCNMLG survey the membership about whether and how much to contribute to the MLA Ysabel Bertolucci Scholarship Fund.  The motion was seconded by Rebecca.  After discussion, the motion was not passed.

Michelle offered perspective about the scholarship fund and how much other chapters and sections are donating.   MLA seeks to build an endowment of $20,000 for the fund.  The expected award is $1000/recipient, one recipient/year.  The award may be used to fund attendance for a librarian at the MLA annual meeting or for a librarian involved in consumer health, nursing, allied health, or international librarianship.

Rebecca moved that NCNMLG donate $500 to the MLA Ysabel Bertolucci Scholarship Fund. The motion was seconded by Judith Mills.  After discussion, the motion was not passed.

Rebecca then moved that NCNMLG donate $1000 to the MLA Ysabel Bertolucci Scholarship Fund.  The motion was seconded by Mina.  After discussion, the motion was passed unanimously.

Action item Michelle will send information to Deanna about how to pay.

7. Professional Development – Judith Mills

Judith sent a survey to members this past spring asking about interest and suggestions for professional development events.  Claire Sharifi offered to host NLM Training Center’s Webinar presentation TOXNET and Beyond.  The event will be free with CEs offered.

Action item:  Judith will send out a survey asking for member preference about scheduling in the time window of August-October 2013.

 8. Misc Business – Carmen Huddleston

Mina announced that she will be out of her library from the end of July to December 2013.  She will be conducting staff trainings on EPIC at her institution.  She is hopeful that this will enable her to facilitate the integration of library resources in the EHR.

Rebecca announced a web-based class offered by Trainers from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and NLM Training Center (NTC):  Teaching With Technology (no charge, 8 units of MLA CE).

Carmen presented the plan of scheduling both Executive Board and Business Meetings on the same day in 2013-14 in order to minimize the amount of time spent traveling.  The next set of meetings will be in September.

Action item Raquel will send out a survey to determine the date.

Amy brought up the issue of technology for remote attendance at NCNMLG meetings for 2013-14.  UC Davis cannot presently offer the WebEx software support for meetings that has been used in 2012-13 (provided by Kaiser Permanente).  Rebecca offered ReadyTalk as a solution, which is a conference call technology that has the ability to record meetings.

Action item Rebecca to arrange for ReadyTalk at the September meeting.

Carmen announced that the chapter will need to determine the location for the 2016 Joint Meeting by the spring of 2013-14.

Meeting adjourned at 11:41 am.

Respectfully submitted by Amy Studer, Secretary

Appendix A:  NCNMLG 2013-2014 Proposed Budget