NCNMLG Business Meeting: June 21, 2012

NCNMLG Transition Meeting Notes, June 21, 2012



Attendees in person:

Chezire Aclimandos, Rebecca Davis, Marcus Banks, Mike Liddocoat, Judith Mills, Ysabel Bertolucci, Lyn Fischback and Mina Davenport

Attendees on Conference Call:

David W. Brown, Liz Lucas, Deanna Johnson, Raquel Abad, Claire Sharifi, Anne Shew, Carmen Huddleston, Julia Hause and Peggy Makie (Recorder)

  • Meeting will last an hour.
  • Minutes from March 5, 2012 discussed

Action item: Minutes were approved with minor edits


  • Jobs:  University of the Pacific, Stockton is looking for a Health Sciences Librarian and an Electronic Resources/Sciences and Technology Librarian.
  • San Francisco Corporate Librarian – Medical Librarian position at NewMentor.  Interested applicants should send her/his resume to Paola Dell’Osso, Vice President Client Development. The annual salary posted was between $65-$68K/annually. The company is on LinkedIn.

New Officers 2012/2013:


Judith Mills,, 408-627-0870


Carmen Huddleston,, 650-723-9933


Peggy Makie,, 916-973-6944


Deanna Johnson (2011-2013),, 530-752-3271

PSR MLA Nominating Committee

Heidi Mortensen,, 916-781-1580


Appointed Committee Chairs and Members:

We currently have five committees.  We still need a chair for the Outreach Committee and a third member for the Bylaws/Nominating Election Committee.


Karen O’Grady (Chair),, 707-624-4354

Xan Goodman (Member),, 702-968-1620

Vacant: third member


Michelle Henley (Chair), 415-353-6320

Polina Ilieva (Archivist), 415- 476-1024

Chezire Aclimandos (new Webpage),, 650-322-4294

Chris Stave (old Webpage),, 650-725-4580

Terry Henner (Member),, 775-682-7301

Sara Pimental (Member),, 510-271-2360

Membership Services:

Raquel Abad (Chair),, 916-734-3529

Annette Osenga (Member),, 510-780-4599 x2900

Mike Liddicoat (Member),, 408-866-4044


Vacant (Chair)

Elizabeth Lucas,, 408-851-2785

Julia Hause,, 702-777-1741

Professional Development:

Claire Sharifi (Chair),, 415-422-5399

Anne Shew (AHIP Credentialing Liaison),, 415-600-3240

Rebecca Bayrer (Member),, 650-742-2540

Jacqueline Wilson (Member),, 510-599-9943


NCNMLG/MLGSC  Joint meeting 2013 (late July):

Volunteering has begun.  The meeting will be held at UC San Diego.


NCNMLG Scholarship for Locke Morrisey

Marcus Banks discussed the intent of the $1500 scholarship.  The Professional Development Committee will move forward to publicize and award this next year.  Discussion surrounded whether the scholarship should be used just for MLA attendance or to make it available for Joint Meeting.  Decision to keep it just for attending MLA as there is already a $300 professional development grant available for any NCNMLG member, including student members. The grant awardee is required to write an article for the chapter newsletter.  The grant was not advertised/awarded in 2012.  Chapter has given four grants in the past.  Discussion about who can receive the scholarship or grant led to decision that student must be a member of our chapter.  The Professional Development committee will revise the criteria for the Morrisey Scholarship, and bring it back to the Executive Committee at the fall meeting with a plan to award it in 2013.


Treasurer’s report:

Deanna Johnson reported NCNMLG has $2216.42 in checking, and $75980.29 in savings for a total of $78196.71 as of last statement.

Action item: Deanna will make arrangements with the bank so Judith Mills will have signing privileges for the chapter’s checking account.


Membership report:

Discussed changing start date of membership term for ease of tracking dues renewal.  Members made decision to keep membership period at June 1 to May 31.  If no dues received then member is in arrears in October.  Right now there is no consequence if someone doesn’t pay; they remain on the listserv.  We need to tighten up our membership rules and take person off listserv.  We’ll notify them twice that they are late with their dues.   We will send out warnings now in time for our October 2012 deadline for renewals.


Chapter Sponsorship:

Judith Mills suggested that NCMMLG programs and activities could be partly funded by sponsors such as library database vendors, universities with library science curriculum, (SJSU, Drexel) foundations (Bill and Melinda Gates) or other institutions.  The sponsorship would provide either in-service support, such as vendors could give a product demo, train the use of databases (Medline, CINAHL), or co-sponsor chapter events. Some other options could be a presentation from SJSU SLIS as an overview of the latest medical library curriculum, the PhD program or others. There was a discussion if this would be a conflict of interest for hospital library as their employers may restrict gifts from vendors associated with their line of work. Deanna suggested we use the vendor money for something online. Others thought that we could investigate this idea further. At this time we do not have a Vendor Relations committee, so if the chapter was interested pursuing it, it could be part of any committees’ activities.

Action item: We should poll other Chapters to see how they are handling this situation.  Liz Lucas (Outreach Committee) and Judith Mills will work together and Liz will send out the poll to members.


Communications Committee:

Chezire Aclimandos is working on a new website for the chapter.  Our new website is being written in xhtml and css using Dreamweaver and is hosted by  Chezire will look into the possibility of using Drupal and other text editors for backup editors to use. Judith graciously offered to be a backup editor. Chezire will also try to find a simpler solution using resources that has to offer.  As soon as she completes the site she will start training Judith and any other interested person.  Ysabel offered to provide names of MLA members familiar with hosting.

Suggestion was made that the website could alert people to subscribe to our blog.  Michelle Henley as Chapter person in charge of the blog has to solicit for new information, monitor it, line up people to write articles for it and push out the information to interested parties.  Members say it is hard to find our blog online ( ).  Marcus is in charge of our Facebook page but says it has been dormant.  It is linked to our web page.  He is looking for someone else to manage the Facebook page.

Action item: Marcus will send the Facebook URL to any members who ask for it.

Action Item: As Past-President, Rebecca Davis volunteered to work with Chezire and provide  content for the new website.


Miscellaneous discussions:

  • Deanna says we need to purchase Survey Monkey with either a credit card or debit card.
  • Bank has said it would be ok to get debit card with our Chapter account.  Executive Board needs to vote on getting it.  Once we get Survey Monkey anyone in our Chapter can use if it is for work-related activities.  You have to create a survey in a folder on the Survey Monkey website or the survey will get erased.
  • For membership renewal we use Acteva.  We renewed Acteva for next year as well.  We should look into Chase providing the service because it might cost us less.

Action item: Judith will contact Acteva to obtain service charges information and send it to Deanna.


New program:

Judith suggested we plan an educational or fun program this year.


New business:

Judith pointed out the difficulties the Chapter is having finding places to meet.  Next meeting will be held at UC Davis in Davis.


Meeting adjourned at 10:56 a.m.


Respectfully submitted by Peggy Makie, 6/27/2012.



Michelle Henley resigned from the Communication Committee Chair’s position.

Chezire volunteered to be the Communication Committee Chair.

Two members volunteered to fill the Nominating/Bylaws Committee position.

Xan Goodman volunteered for the Outreach Committee Chair.




Election Results 2012

Congratulations to the following new officers and committee chair:

President Elect: Carmen Huddleston; Secretary: Peggy Makie, Treasurer: Deanna Johnson; Bylaws/Nominating/Election Committee Chair: Karen O’Grady; Bylaws/Nominating/Election Committee: Xan Goodman; Nominee to the MLA Nominating Committee: Heidi Mortensen

MLA Mobile Technologies Webinar Locations Announced

The PSRML is funding several locations in NCNMLG territory to host the MLA webcast  Leveraging Mobile Technologies for Health Sciences Libraries.

The webcast takes place Wednesday, April 18th, from11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at the following locations:
1. Kaiser Permanente
Promenade Medical Offices
Conference Room #3

10305 Promenade Parkway
Elk Grove, CA 95757

Boxed lunches and salad will be available for $10.00.

If you plan on attending please email: and include your name, organization and whether or not you plan on joining us for lunch. 

2.  Lane Medical Library has kindly offered to set up a hosting site for any NCNMLG members who are interested in attending.

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Meeting Scheduled

Date: Monday, March 5, 2011
Time: 9:00am-1:30pm
Place: Samuel Merritt University, 3100 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, CA 94609
Host: Marcus Banks – thanks Marcus

The day will start with a great class (webinar) on project management taught by Pat Wagner. For those of you who may not have attended one of Pat’s classes at MLA or the Joint Meeting,you’re in for a treat. Pat will be giving us a combination of the three classes she teaches on the subject. For more information, see Here are the basics about the upcoming meeting and program:

9:00am-9:30am – Coffee/Tea, etc.
9:30am-11:30am – “Project Management: Foundations and Applications”, webinar class taught by Pat Wagner (no fee and no CE)
11:30am-12:30pm – Business Meeting
12:30pm-1:30pm – Lunch and Networking

Next week you will receive the following information:

1. Directions to Samuel Merritt University 2. How to access the webinar remotely 3. The agenda and for the business meeting 4. The number to dial to access the business meeting via speakerphone 5. Information on lunch – choices and cost

Please contact Rebecca Davis ( with questions.