Author Archives: M Aiello

Welcome Message from Stephen Kiyoi, NCNMLG President

Stephen Kiyoi

Stephen Kiyoi

Hi all – I’m excited to be working with all of you in NCNMLG!

For those of you I haven’t met, let me briefly introduce myself – I am currently the Library Director at the UCSF/San Francisco General Hospital. In that role, I oversee the library’s activities and programs, recruit and manage staff, and lead grants for patient education, archives, and research. Continue reading


I am posting this brief message to remind individuals to renew their NCNMLG Membership.  The membership year began in June and to date only about one-third of our members have renewed.  Please renew at your earliest convenience. The members’ only section passwords will be changing soon.

Our bi-laws stipulate that: “If dues are unpaid by October 1, dues shall be considered in arrears and without further notice the member may be suspended from all rights and privileges”. Continue reading