Author Archives: M Aiello

Proposed Membership Dues Increase- Feedback

Below is the feedback that I have received to date regarding the proposed membership dues increase, for your consideration. I will add to this as I receive more feedback. Thanks to everyone so far who has weighed in on the topic!!

  • Great Idea!
  • $35.00 is a very low membership rate considering all the educational and informational benefits provided by NCNMLG. I will happily pay it to support this organization.
  • In general I understand that $25 is low. MLGSCA has been charging $35 for several years. Continue reading

Help Choose Your Leaders — Call for Nominations for MLA Offices

Are you interested in moving MLA forward? Do you love where MLA is going? Do you not love where MLA is going? Do you want a voice in the direction of our profession and be able to have your concerns heard, voiced, and addressed? The 2013 MLA Nominating Committee is excited to identify potential candidates for the 2013/2014 election, but we need your help! If you would like to recommend someone to be nominated for President or the Board, or would like to be Continue reading

Discussion, sharing experiences and questions on how to improve visibility and promote services

As librarians and information specialists, we have been witnessing an evolving information infrastructure. In recent years, many of us heard people question the need for libraries in the future. Some have questioned the need for libraries as a physical space. Many potential library users believe they can independently find the information they need. We have watched big information centers and Continue reading

Proposed Membership Dues Increase

During the last NCNMLG Business Meeting held on February 19, there was a discussion regarding increasing the annual NCNMLG Membership Dues from $25.00 to $35.00. It was decided during this discussion to put this increase forward to the general membership for a vote at the next Business Meeting (which has yet to be scheduled). Continue reading