The Planning Committee of the MLGSCA/NCNMLG chapters of the Medical Library Association invites proposals for contributed papers and posters for the 2013 Joint Meeting. The meeting will be held in La Jolla, CA on July 24-26, 2013 at the University of California, San Diego’s Price Center. The conference theme is Waves of Change, Oceans of Opportunity and can encompass a variety of topics. Projects, services, innovations, lessons learned, and success stories which illustrate how we are celebrating opportunity during continual change are all possible paper or poster topics. Deadline for submissions is March 31, 2013.
Looking Back, Looking Ahead
In the ancient Roman mythology and religion the god Janus symbolizes beginnings and transitions. Janus, the two-faced god looks back to the past and looks toward the future. With the passing of 2012, our chapter has written another successful six months to the pages of its history. Here are a few highlights of the accomplishments of 2012.
Starting on June 1st we transitioned from the 2011/2012-service year to 2012/2013 year, by having the previous elected officers and committees members pass the torch to the newly elected officers and committee members.
During that business meeting we formed five committees: an Outreach Committee, a Bylaws/Nominating/Election Committee, a Communications Committee a Membership Committee and the Professional Development Committee. Although the number of the committees is fewer our commitment to them is strong. Continue reading
NCNMLG Executive Board Meeting: Dec. 11, 2012
Minutes from Nov. 6, 2012 business meeting | Announcements | Treasurer’s Report | Quad Meeting MOU | 2013 Exec. Board & Bus. Meetings | Professional Development Committee | RML Rep Access to NCNMLG Listserv | Financial Planning and MLA’s Fundraising Letter | Archives | Mentoring | Misc. Continue reading
Beverly McLeod, Tufte and the World Visualized
Beverly McLeod, PhD, MLIS was one of the winners of NCNMLG’s professional development grant. One of the requirements for the winners is to report on their continuing education experience. She looks at the world of information visualization, and shares her experience of attending a session by the vis maestro Edward Tufte.
Beverly currently serves as the Library Services Manager, Health Sciences Library. Kaiser Permanente Antioch Medical Center.
An interview with Marilyn Tinsley, now Research Services Librarian at Stanford Lane Library
The story is about natural curiosity, love of knowledge and professional passion. Marilyn started her medical librarian career after acquiring a degree in anthropology. A combination of factors made her discover she had an inclination for librarianship. An aptitude test had shown her natural strength and abilities match those of librarians and teachers. Her job at Stanford in the pharmacology department gave her the opportunity to have frequent interactions with reference librarians at Lane. She felt the need for bigger challenges and higher satisfaction. She decided to acquire an MLS and started as an assistant in the inter-library loan department at Lane. Lane library director at the time thought it best she and another junior librarian acquire experience as librarians in other institutions before he could transfer them to higher positions. Continue reading