Evidence-Based Practice and Mobile Apps : continuing education classes at the MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting in San Diego

Hella Bluhm-Stieber

Hella Bluhm-Stieber

I attended the Joint Meeting in La Jolla and took 2 CE classes. The first one was given by Connie Schardt, who is the authority on Evidence-based practice and is still teaching classes even though she is retired. She showed and explained us the criteria for judging the validity of therapy studies and studies of diagnostic tests. She also went over the differences between quantitative and qualitative studies.  Continue reading

An interview with Rebecca Davis, Head Librarian, Blaisdell Medical Library, UC Davis Health System.

Rebecca Davis

Rebecca Davis

At an early stage of her life, Rebecca’s interest in libraries combined with her endless fascination with medical information started shaping her career. In junior high, she remembers, she had an opportunity to spend a day with a public librarian. She was interested in what was happening at the library, and surprised that the librarian did not look like the older, very severe-looking librarian at the library in her neighborhood. This librarian was Continue reading